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React Chakra UI Common style props

Chakra UI is the React component library for building attractive and responsive user interfaces. Chakra-UI common style props are UI styling props that are used to add or alter some styles, marks, formats, animations, behavior, and interactions with UI components. 

Common Style props are used to style the component by simply passing props to it and saving time by providing shorthand ways to style components.


Common Style props:

Approach to implement Chakra UI Common style props:

We created the basic form having different components like Box, Flex, Text, Button with different custom style props that are mentioned above in the list. The second example shows width and height layout and other props like background and font size. The third example shows the usage of Grid component with some style props usage.

Steps to create React Application & Installing Module:

Step 1: Create a React application using the following command:

npx create-react-app chakra-style-props

Step 2: After creating your project folder(i.e. chakra-style-props), move to it by using the following command:

cd chakra-style-props

Step 3: After creating the React application, Install the required package using the following command:

npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^6

Project Structure:

The updated dependencies in the package.json file.

"dependencies": {
"@chakra-ui/react": "^2.8.2",
"@emotion/react": "^11.11.1",
"@emotion/styled": "^11.11.0",
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.17.0",
"@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0",
"framer-motion": "^6.5.1",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-scripts": "5.0.1",
"web-vitals": "^2.1.4"

Example 1: Write down the code in respective files.

// App.js
import { useState } from 'react'
import {
    ChakraProvider, Text
} from "@chakra-ui/react";
import StyleProp from "./Style1";

function App() {

    return (
                GeeksforGeeks - ReactJS Concepts
            <h3><b>Chakra UI Common Style Props</b></h3>
            <br />
            <StyleProp />

export default App
// Style1.jsx

import {
    Flex, Box, Text, Button
} from "@chakra-ui/react";

function StyleProp() {

    return (
        <Box bg="lightgrey"
            w="100%" h="100%" p={4}>

            <Flex flexWrap='wrap' mt='3'
                <Flex direction="row"
                    <Box border="2px" m={[2, 3]}
                        color='green' bg='pink'>
                        This is showing margin "2" and
                        padding "3" with pink
                        background and green text
                    </Box><br />
                    <Text p="10px"
                        bgGradient="linear(to-l, #7928CA, #FF0080)">
                        This will show gradient
                    <Text textShadow='3px 3px #ff6200' p="10px">
                        This will show text with shadows
                    </Text><br />
                    <Button as="a" href=
                        This is a button

export default StyleProp;

Step to run the application: Run the application using the following command:

npm run start 

Output: Now go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser:

Example 2: The following code shows usage of props like typography fontSize, height and width layout with flex box and auto height.

// App.js

import { useState } from 'react'
import {
    ChakraProvider, Text
} from "@chakra-ui/react";

import MyStyleProp from "./Style2";

function App() {

    return (
                GeeksforGeeks - ReactJS Concepts
            <h3><b>Chakra UI Common Style Props</b></h3>
            <br />
            <MyStyleProp />

export default App
// Style2.js

import {
    Flex, Box, Text,
} from "@chakra-ui/react";

import './App.css'

function MyStyleProp() {

    return (
        <Box bg="lightgrey" w="100%" h="100%" p={4}>

            <Flex mt='3' justifyContent="space-between">
                <Flex direction="row"
                    <Box display="flex" bg="pink" boxSize="sm"
                        width="100%" height={42}>
                        This will show the width and height
                        layout with flex box
                    <Box bg="red" display={{ md: "block" }}
                        This will show box with auto height
                    </Box><br />
                    <Text fontSize='2em' >
                        This will show 2em typography.


export default MyStyleProp;


Example 3: The following code shows building grid layouts. The key components include Grid, and Box, each contributing to the overall flexibility and responsiveness of your application’s grid structure.


import { useState } from 'react'
import {
    ChakraProvider, Text
} from "@chakra-ui/react";

import GridStyleProp from "./Style3";

function App() {

    return (
                GeeksforGeeks - ReactJS Concepts
            <h3><b>Chakra UI Common Style Props</b></h3>
            <br />
            <GridStyleProp />

export default App

import {
    Flex, Box, Text, Grid, Button
} from "@chakra-ui/react";

function GridStyleProp() {

    return (
        <Box bg="lightgrey" w="100%" h="100%" p={4}>

            <Flex mt='3' justifyContent="space-between">
                <Flex direction="row" alignItems="left">
                    <Grid bg="green" p="20px">
                        Grid 1
                    </Grid><br />
                    <Grid bg="red" p="20px">
                        Grid 2
                    </Grid><br />
                    <Grid bg="green" p="20px">
                        Grid 3
                    </Grid><br />
                    <Grid bg="red" p="20px">
                        Grid 4
                    </Grid><br />
                    <Grid bg="green" p="20px">
                        Grid 5
                    </Grid><br />
                    <Grid bg="red" p="20px">
                        Grid 6
                    </Grid><br />

export default GridStyleProp;


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