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| | Question 12

A and B run a kilometre and A wins by 20 second. A and C run a kilometre and A wins by 250 m. When B and C run the same distance, B wins by 25 second. The time taken by A to run a kilometre is
(A) 2 min 15 second
(B) 2 min 30 second
(C) 2 min 45 second
(D) 2 min 55 second

Answer: (A)
Explanation: Let the time taken by A to cover 1 km = x sec
Time taken by B and C to cover the same distance are x + 20 and x + 45 respectively
Given A travels 1000 then C covers only 750.

Distance              A(1000)        C(750)
Ratio                  4        :       3
Time                   3        :       4 

A/C = 3/4 = x/(x+45)
3x + 135 = 4x
x =135
Time taken by A is 2 min 15 second
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