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Python – Sorting a dictionary of tuples

In this article, we will sort a dictionary of tuples. Dictionary of tuples means tuple is a value in a dictionary or tuple is key in the dictionary.


{'key1': (1, 2, 3), 'key2': (3, 2, 1),.............}
{ (1, 2, 3):value, (3, 2, 1):value,.............}

Method 1: Using sorted() method

Using this method we can sort the dictionary of tuples based on keys, values, and items, we can use for loop to sort all elements in a dictionary of tuples.


To sort based on items:
for i in sorted(dictionary.items()) :
     print(i, end = " ")

To sort based on keys:
for i in sorted(dictionary.keys()) :
     print(i, end = " ") 
To sort based on values:
for i in sorted(dictionary.values()) :
     print(i, end = " ")           

Example 1:

# declare a dictionary of tuple with student data
data = {'student1': ('bhanu', 10), 'student4': ('uma', 12),
        'student3': ('suma', 11), 'student2': ('ravi', 11),
        'student5': ('gayatri', 9)}
# sort student dictionary based  on items
for i in sorted(data.items()):
    print(i, end=" ")
# sort student dictionary based  on values
for i in sorted(data.values()):
    print(i, end=" ")
# sort student dictionary based  on keys
for i in sorted(data.keys()):
    print(i, end=" ")


(‘student1’, (‘bhanu’, 10)) (‘student2’, (‘ravi’, 11)) (‘student3’, (‘suma’, 11)) (‘student4’, (‘uma’, 12)) (‘student5’, (‘gayatri’, 9)) 

(‘bhanu’, 10) (‘gayatri’, 9) (‘ravi’, 11) (‘suma’, 11) (‘uma’, 12) 

student1 student2 student3 student4 student5

We can make a dictionary of tuple with key as tuple also.

Example 2:

Python program to create a dictionary of tuple with a tuple as key and apply sorted() function

# declare a dictionary of tuple with student data
data = {('bhanu', 10): 'student1',
        ('uma', 12): 'student4',
        ('suma', 11): 'student3',
        ('ravi', 11): 'student2',
        ('gayatri', 9): 'student5'}
# sort student dictionary based  on items
for i in sorted(data.items()):
    print(i, end=" ")
# sort student dictionary based  on values
for i in sorted(data.values()):
    print(i, end=" ")
# sort student dictionary based  on keys
for i in sorted(data.keys()):
    print(i, end=" ")


((‘bhanu’, 10), ‘student1’) ((‘gayatri’, 9), ‘student5’) ((‘ravi’, 11), ‘student2’) ((‘suma’, 11), ‘student3’) ((‘uma’, 12), ‘student4’) 

student1 student2 student3 student4 student5 

(‘bhanu’, 10) (‘gayatri’, 9) (‘ravi’, 11) (‘suma’, 11) (‘uma’, 12)

Method 2: Using OrderedDict

OrderedDict is available in the collections module used to sort a dictionary with sorted() method.


To sort based on values:

To sort based on items:

Example 1: Python program to sort dictionary of tuple

# import OrderedDict module
from collections import OrderedDict
# declare a dictionary of tuple with student data
data = {'student3': ('bhanu', 10), 'student2': ('uma', 12),
        'student4': ('sai', 11), 'student1': ('suma', 11)}
# sort student dictionary of tuple based
# on values using OrderedDict
# sort student dictionary of tuple based
# on items using OrderedDict


OrderedDict([(‘bhanu’, 10), (‘sai’, 11), (‘suma’, 11), (‘uma’, 12)])

OrderedDict([(‘student1’, (‘suma’, 11)), (‘student2’, (‘uma’, 12)), (‘student3’, (‘bhanu’, 10)), (‘student4’, (‘sai’, 11))])

Example 2: Python program to  sort the dictionary of tuples where the Tuples will be the key in the dictionary

# import orderedDict module
from collections import OrderedDict
# declare a dictionary of tuple with student data
data = {('bhanu', 10): 'student1',
        ('uma', 12): 'student4',
        ('suma', 11): 'student3',
        ('ravi', 11): 'student2',
        ('gayatri', 9): 'student5'}
# sort student dictionary of tuple based
# on items using OrderedDict


OrderedDict([((‘bhanu’, 10), ‘student1’), ((‘gayatri’, 9), ‘student5’), ((‘ravi’, 11), ‘student2’), ((‘suma’, 11), ‘student3’), ((‘uma’, 12), ‘student4’)])

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