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Python | Sort words of sentence in ascending order

Given a sentence, sort it alphabetically in ascending order. 


Input : to learn programming refer geeksforgeeks
Output : geeksforgeeks learn programming refer to

Input : geeks for geeks
Output : for geeks geeks

Approach 1 : We will use the built-in library function to sort the words of the sentence in ascending order. 


Follow the steps below:

Below is the implementation of the above idea.

# Function to sort the words
# in ascending order
def sortedSentence(Sentence):
    # Splitting the Sentence into words
    words = Sentence.split(" ")
    # Sorting the words
    # Making new Sentence by
    # joining the sorted words
    newSentence = " ".join(words)
    # Return newSentence
    return newSentence
# Driver's Code
Sentence = "to learn programming refer geeksforgeeks"
# Print the sortedSentence
Sentence = "geeks for geeks"
# Print the sortedSentence

geeksforgeeks learn programming refer to
for geeks geeks

Time Complexity : O(nlogn) , due to built-in sort function used.
Auxiliary Space : O(n) , where n is the total number of characters in string. 

Approach – 2 : 

In this approach we will use the built-in split() method alongside the sorted() function to achieve the same in less lines and less use of functions and methods. We will not use the join() method here.

def sort_alphabetically(sentence : str) -> list():
  s = sentence.split(" ")
  return sorted(s)
sen = "to learn programming refer geeksforgeeks"
sen = "geeks for geeks"

['geeksforgeeks', 'learn', 'programming', 'refer', 'to']
['for', 'geeks', 'geeks']

Time Complexity – O(nlogn) # Due to the use of sorted() built in function.
Space Complexity – O(n) # ‘n’ number of characters in string

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