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Python – Quiz Application Project

Python provides us with many libraries to create GUI(Graphical User Interface), and Tkinter is one of them. Creating GUI with Tkinter is very easy and it is the most commonly used library for GUI development. In this article, we will create a Quiz application using Tkinter. A Quiz application has a set of questions and their answers and it checks for the correctness of answers that are submitted by users.

Module Required

pip install tkinter

Steps Needed to Create Quiz Application Using Tkinter

Step 1: Import required modules.

from tkinter import *

Step 2: Store questions, options, and their correct answer in variables. We will use Python dictionaries to store questions and their respective options. And we will use a Python list to store correct answers.

# define question dictionary
question = {
    "2+3": ['2', '3', '5', '9'],
    "2-1": ['2', '1', '5'],
    "3+3": ['3', '6', '9', '7']
# define answer list
ans = ['5', '1', '6']

Step 3: Define a variable to store how many questions are attempted by the user.

current_question = 0

Step 4: Points to remember while creating a basic GUI window.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Tk()
    # setup basic window
    root.title("GFG QUIZ APP")
    root.minsize(800, 400)
    user_ans = StringVar()
    user_score = IntVar()
    Label(root, text="Quiz App",
          font="calibre 40 bold",
          relief=SUNKEN, background="cyan",
          padx=10, pady=9).pack()
    Label(root, text="",
          font="calibre 10 bold").pack()
    start_button = Button(root, text="Start Quiz",
                          font="calibre 17 bold")
    f1 = Frame(root)
    f1.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
    next_button = Button(root, text="Next Question",
                         font="calibre 17 bold")

Step 5: Define the start_quiz function. This function is used to remove the start quiz button and render the next question button. It also calls the next_question function to render the question.

def start_quiz():

Step 6: Define the next_question function. This function is used to render questions, and options in GUI. And when a user attempts all the questions, it will render the score.

def next_question():
    global current_question
    if current_question<len(question):
        # get key or question that need to be printed
        c_question = list(question.keys())[current_question]
        # clear frame to update its content
        # printing question
        Label(f1,text=f"Question : {c_question}",padx=15,font="calibre 12 normal").pack(anchor=NW)
        # printing options
        for option in question[c_question]:
        output = f"Your Score is {user_score.get()} out of {len(question)}"
        Label(f1,text=output,font="calibre 25 bold").pack()
        Label(f1,text="Thanks for Participating",font="calibre 18 bold").pack()

Step 7: Define the check_ans function. This function is used to check the answer that is submitted by the user and update the score.

def check_ans():
    temp_ans = user_ans.get()
    if temp_ans != 'None' and temp_ans==ans[current_question-1]:

Step 8: Define the clear_frame function. This function is used to clear the frame(remove all widgets) so that we can update its content.

def clear_frame():
    for widget in f1.winfo_children():

Complete Code:

from tkinter import *
# define question dictionary
question = {
    "2+3": ['2', '3', '5', '9'],
    "2-1": ['2', '1', '5'],
    "3+3": ['3', '6', '9', '7']
# define answer list
ans = ['5', '1', '6']
current_question = 0
def start_quiz():
def next_question():
    global current_question
    if current_question < len(question):
        # get key or question that need to be printed
        c_question = list(question.keys())[current_question]
        # clear frame to update its content
        # printing question
        Label(f1, text=f"Question : {c_question}", padx=15,
              font="calibre 12 normal").pack(anchor=NW)
        # printing options
        for option in question[c_question]:
            Radiobutton(f1, text=option, variable=user_ans,
                        value=option, padx=28).pack(anchor=NW)
        current_question += 1
        output = f"Your Score is {user_score.get()} out of {len(question)}"
        Label(f1, text=output, font="calibre 25 bold").pack()
        Label(f1, text="Thanks for Participating",
              font="calibre 18 bold").pack()
def check_ans():
    temp_ans = user_ans.get()
    if temp_ans != 'None' and temp_ans == ans[current_question-1]:
def clear_frame():
    for widget in f1.winfo_children():
if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Tk()
    # setup basic window
    root.title("GFG QUIZ APP")
    root.minsize(800, 400)
    user_ans = StringVar()
    user_score = IntVar()
    Label(root, text="Quiz App",
          font="calibre 40 bold",
          relief=SUNKEN, background="cyan",
          padx=10, pady=9).pack()
    Label(root, text="", font="calibre 10 bold").pack()
    start_button = Button(root,
                          text="Start Quiz",
                          font="calibre 17 bold")
    f1 = Frame(root)
    f1.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
    next_button = Button(root, text="Next Question",
                         font="calibre 17 bold")



Related Articles:  Python – MCQ Quiz Game using Tkinter – GeeksforGeeks

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