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Python | os.rename() method

OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system-dependent functionality.

To rename a file or directory in Python you can use os.rename() function of OS module. This method renames a source file or directory to a specified destination file or directory. It takes two parameters – source (current file name) and destination (new file name).


os.rename(source, destination, *, src_dir_fd = None, dst_dir_fd = None)


Return Type: 

This method does not return any value.

Using os.rename() function and Error Handling:

Let’s see the program on how to use the os.rename function of the OS module and how to handle errors while using it.

Code 1: Use of os.rename() method.

# Python program to explain os.rename() method
# importing os module
import os
# Source file path
source = 'GeeksforGeeks/file.txt'
# destination file path
dest = 'GeekforGeeks/newfile.txt'
# Now rename the source path
# to destination path
# using os.rename() method
os.rename(source, dest)
print("Source path renamed to destination path successfully.")

Code 2: Handling possible errors

# Python program to explain os.rename() method
# importing os module
import os
# Source file path
source = './GeeksforGeeks/file.txt'
# destination file path
dest = './GeeksforGeeks/dir'
# try renaming the source path
# to destination path
# using os.rename() method
try :
    os.rename(source, dest)
    print("Source path renamed to destination path successfully.")
# If Source is a file
# but destination is a directory
except IsADirectoryError:
    print("Source is a file but destination is a directory.")
# If source is a directory
# but destination is a file
except NotADirectoryError:
    print("Source is a directory but destination is a file.")
# For permission related errors
except PermissionError:
    print("Operation not permitted.")
# For other errors
except OSError as error:


Reference Material:

In this article, we have covered using os.rename() function to rename a file or directory in Python. This is a very easy and straightforward way of renaming a file or directory in Python. OS module provides a list of functions used to interact with the operating system.

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