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Python | os.DirEntry.path attribute

Path attribute of os.DirEntry object is used to get the entry’s full path name. The full path is absolute only if the path parameter used in the method is absolute. Also if the method path parameter was a file descriptor then the value of os.DirEntry.path the attribute is the same as the attribute.

os.scandir() method of Python OS Module yields os.DirEntry objects corresponding to the entries in the directory given by a specified path. os.DirEntry or os direntry object has various attributes and methods which is used to expose the file path and other file attributes of the directory entry.

Note: os.DirEntry objects are intended to be used and thrown away after iteration as attributes and methods of the object cache their values and never prefetch the values again. If the metadata of the file has been changed or if a long time has elapsed since calling os.scandir() method. we will not get up-to-date information.

os.DirEntry.path attribute Syntax in Python

Syntax: os.DirEntry.path

Parameter: None

Return value: This attribute returns a bytes value if os.scandir() path parameter is bytes otherwise returns a string value which represents the entry’s full path.

Python os.DirEntry.path attribute Example

Below, we explain the example of a Python directory. those are follows

Use of OS DirEntry Attribute

In this example, below Python code uses `os.scandir()` to loop through entries in a directory. For each file entry, it checks if it’s a file with `entry.is_file()` and prints the file name (``) and full path (`entry.path`).

import os
# Specify the directory path
directory_path = '/path/to/your/directory'
# Iterate over entries in the directory using os.scandir()
for entry in os.scandir(directory_path):
    # Check if the entry is a file
    if entry.is_file():
        # Print the full path of the file using os.DirEntry.path
        print(f"File: {}, Path: {entry.path}")


Assuming you replace '/path/to/your/directory' with the path to a directory containing files, the output will be something like:

File: file1.txt, Path: /path/to/your/directory/file1.txt
File: file2.txt, Path: /path/to/your/directory/file2.txt
File: file3.txt, Path: /path/to/your/directory/file3.txt

Use of Python DirEntry Attribute

In this example , the Python code uses the os.scandir() method to scan and print the full path of all directory entries (files and sub-directories) in the current working directory. It excludes entries starting or Python direntry with a dot (‘.’) to filter out hidden files or directories.

# importing os module  
import os
# Directory to be scanned
# Current working directory
path = os.getcwd()
# Using os.scandir() method
# scan the specified directory
# and yield os.DirEntry object
# for each file and sub-directory
print("Full path of all directory entry in '% s':" % path) 
with os.scandir(path) as itr:
    for entry in itr :
        # Exclude the entry name
        # starting with '.'  
        if not'.') :
            # print entry's name
            # and its full path 
            print(, ":", entry.path)

Full path of all directory entry in '/home/ihritik':
Public : /home/ihritik/Public
Desktop : /home/ihritik/Deskop
R : /home/ihritik/R
foo.txt : /home/ihritik/foo.txt
graph.cpp : /home/ihritik/graph.cpp
tree.cpp : /home/ihritik/tree.cpp
Pictures : /home/ihritik/Pictures : /home/ihritik/
file.txt : /home/ihritik/file.txt
Videos : /home/ihritik/Videos
images : /home/ihritik/images
Downloads : /home/ihritik/Downloads
GeeksforGeeks : /home/ihritik/GeeksforGeeks
Music : /home/ihritik/Music
Documents : /home/ihritik/Documents


Q.How does the @property decorator work in Python?

@property decorator in Python allows the definition of a method to be accessed as an attribute. It transforms a method into a read-only property, enabling direct access without invoking the method.

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