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Python | os.path.sameopenfile() method

OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality. os.path module is sub module of OS module in Python used for common path name manipulation.
os.path.sameopenfile() method in Python is used to check whether the given file descriptors refer to the same file or not. 
A file descriptor is small integer value that corresponds to a file that has been opened by the current process. 
A File descriptor indicates a resource and act as handles to perform various lower level I/O operations like read, write, send etc. 
For Example: Standard input is usually file descriptor with value 0, standard output is usually file descriptor with value 1 and standard error is usually file descriptor with value 2. Further files opened by the current process will get the value 3, 4, 5 an so on.

Syntax: os.path.sameopenfile(fd1, fd2)
fd1: A file descriptor. 
fd2: A file descriptor.
Return Type: This method returns a Boolean value of class bool. This method returns True if both file descriptor fd1 and fd2 refer to the same file otherwise returns false. 

Code : Use of os.path.sameopenfile() method to check if the given file descriptors refer to the same file or not. 

# Python program to explain os.path.sameopenfile() method
# importing os module
import os
# Path
path = "/home / ihritik / Desktop / file1.txt"
# open the file represented by
# the above given path and get
# the file descriptor associated
# with it using method
fd1 =, os.O_RDONLY)
# open the file represented by
# the above given path and get
# the file object corresponding
# to the opened file
# using open() method
File = open(path, mode ='r')
# Get the file descriptor
# associated with the
# file object 'File'
fd2 = File.fileno()
# check whether the file descriptor
# fd1 and fd2 refer to same
# file or not
sameFile = os.path.sameopenfile(fd1, fd2)
# Print the result
# Path
path2 = "/home / ihritik / Documents / sample.txt"
# open the file represented by
# the above given path and get
# the file descriptor associated
# with it using method
fd3 =, os.O_RDONLY)
# check whether the file descriptor
# fd1 and fd3 refer to same
# file or not
sameFile = os.path.sameopenfile(fd1, fd3)
# Print the result
# close file descriptors





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