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Python – Cows and Bulls game

Cows and Bulls is a pen and paper code-breaking game usually played between 2 players. In this, a player tries to guess a secret code number chosen by the second player. The rules are as follows:


Let’s see a sample run for better understanding.

Secret Code: 3768

Guess: 1234
Response: 0 bulls, 1 cow
Guess: 5678
Response: 1 bull, 2 cows
Guess: 1678
Response: 1 bull, 2 cows
Guess: 3678
Response: 2 bulls, 2 cows
Guess: 3148
Response: 2 bulls, 0 cows
Guess: 3768
You guessed right!


To create this game in Python, the computer generates a secret code and the user will have to guess the code. Break it down into these blocks:

Constraint: The secret code and the guessed code should be of 4-digits (between 1000 and 9999) and have no repeated numbers.


# Import required module
import random 
# Returns list of digits 
# of a number
def getDigits(num):
    return [int(i) for i in str(num)]
# Returns True if number has 
# no duplicate digits 
# otherwise False      
def noDuplicates(num):
    num_li = getDigits(num)
    if len(num_li) == len(set(num_li)):
        return True
        return False
# Generates a 4 digit number 
# with no repeated digits    
def generateNum():
    while True:
        num = random.randint(1000,9999)
        if noDuplicates(num):
            return num
# Returns common digits with exact 
# matches (bulls) and the common 
# digits in wrong position (cows)
def numOfBullsCows(num,guess):
    bull_cow = [0,0]
    num_li = getDigits(num)
    guess_li = getDigits(guess)
    for i,j in zip(num_li,guess_li):
        # common digit present
        if j in num_li:
            # common digit exact match
            if j == i:
                bull_cow[0] += 1
            # common digit match but in wrong position
                bull_cow[1] += 1
    return bull_cow
# Secret Code
num = generateNum()
tries =int(input('Enter number of tries: '))
# Play game until correct guess 
# or till no tries left
while tries > 0:
    guess = int(input("Enter your guess: "))
    if not noDuplicates(guess):
        print("Number should not have repeated digits. Try again.")
    if guess < 1000 or guess > 9999:
        print("Enter 4 digit number only. Try again.")
    bull_cow = numOfBullsCows(num,guess)
    print(f"{bull_cow[0]} bulls, {bull_cow[1]} cows")
    tries -=1
    if bull_cow[0] == 4:
        print("You guessed right!")
    print(f"You ran out of tries. Number was {num}")


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