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Introduction to pyglet library for game development in Python

Pyglet is easy to use but powerful library for developing visually rich GUI applications like games, multimedia etc on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. This library is created purely in Python and it supports many features like windowing, user interface event handling, Joysticks, OpenGL graphics, loading images, and videos, and playing sounds and music. pyglet is provided under the BSD open-source license, allowing you to use it for both commercial and other open-source projects with very little restriction.



Since pyglet is created entirely in Python, no special tasks are needed to be done for installation. pyglet can be install in many ways, the most basic installation requires typing the following command in your terminal:

pip install pyglet


import pyglet
new_window = pyglet.window.Window()
label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, World !',
                          font_name ='Cooper',
                          font_size = 16,
                          x = new_window.width//2
                          y = new_window.height//2,
                          anchor_x ='center'
                          anchor_y ='center')
def on_draw():



  1. Begin the program by importing the library:
     import pyglet 
  2. Using the default constructor, we can create windows which display the app contents:
     new_window = pyglet.window.Window() 
  3. Label is created to display the text Hello, World!:
    label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, World !',
                              font_name ='Cooper',
                              font_size = 16,
                              x = new_window.width//2, 
                              y = new_window.height//2,
                              anchor_x ='center', 
                              anchor_y ='center')
  4. The on_draw() event is used to draw its contents on to the window.The pyglet library provides several ways to attach event handlers to objects; a simple way is to use a decorator:
    def on_draw():
  5. Finally to run the app the following line is appended at the end of the source code:
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