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Python – cmath.isnan() function

cMath module contains a number of functions which is used for mathematical operations for complex numbers. The cmath.isnan() function is used to check whether the value is nan (Not a Number), or not. The value passed in this function can be int, float, and complex numbers.

Syntax: cmath.isnan(x)

Parameter:This method accepts the following parameters.

  • x :This parameter is the value to check for NaN.

Returns:This method returns a Boolean value.

Below examples illustrate the use of above function:

Example #1 : 

# Python code to implement
# the isnan()function
# importing "cmath"
# for mathematical operations  
import cmath 
# using cmath.isnan() method 
val = cmath.isnan(1 + 2j



Example 2:

# Python code to implement
# the isnan()function
# importing "cmath"
# for mathematical operations  
import cmath 
# using cmath.isnan() method 
val = cmath.isnan(1 + float('nan')) 


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