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PYGLET – Loading HTML Document

In this article, we will see how we can load a html document in PYGLET module in python. Pyglet is easy to use but powerful library for developing visually rich GUI applications like games, multimedia etc. A window is a “heavyweight” object occupying operating system resources. Windows may appear as floating regions or can be set to fill an entire screen (fullscreen). In order to load a file i.e resource we use resource module of pyglet. This module allows applications to specify a search path for resources. Relative paths are taken to be relative to the application’s __main__ module. An HTML document is a file containing Hypertext Markup Language, and its filename most often ends in the . html extension. An HTML document is a text document read in by a Web browser and then rendered on the screen.

We can create a window object with the help of command given below 

# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)

In order to do this we use html method with the pyglet.resource
Syntax : resource.html(file_name)
Argument : It takes string i.e file name as argument
Return : It returns FormattedDocument 

Below is the implementation  

# importing pyglet module
import pyglet
import pyglet.window.key as key
# width of window
width = 500
# height of window
height = 500
# caption i.e title of the window
title = "Geeksforgeeks"
# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)
# text 
text = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks"
# creating label with following properties
# font = cooper
# position = 250, 150
# anchor position = center
label = pyglet.text.Label(text,
                          font_name ='Cooper',
                          font_size = 16,
                          x = 250
                          y = 150,
                          anchor_x ='center'
                          anchor_y ='center')
# creating a batch
batch =
# loading geeksforgeeks image
image = pyglet.image.load('gfg.png')
# creating sprite object
# it is instance of an image displayed on-screen
sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, x = 200, y = 230)
# on draw event
def on_draw():
    # clear the window
    # draw the label
    # draw the image on screen
# key press event    
def on_key_press(symbol, modifier):
    # key "C" get press
    if symbol == key.C:
        # printing the message
        print("Key : C is pressed")
# image for icon
img = image = pyglet.resource.image("gfg.png")
# setting image as icon
# loading html file
value = pyglet.resource.html("geeks.html")
# setting text  of label
label.text = str(value)
# start running the application

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