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Puzzle: The Four Friends

Four friends—Alice, Bob, Cindy, and Dave—decided to participate in a puzzle-solving competition. They were given a set of clues to determine the order in which they finished. Can you determine the correct order in which they finished, as well as their favorite colors and puzzle-solving times? 


Four friends


To solve this puzzle, let’s examine the given clues and deduce the correct order of finish, favorite colors, and puzzle-solving times:

Let’s proceed step by step:

Let’s use these deductions to solve the puzzle:

Now, we have the following information:

From clue 4, Alice took twice as long as the person who finished third. Therefore, Cindy took half the time of Alice.

Now let’s consider the remaining positions:

The only position left is third place, which means Cindy must finish third. Therefore, Alice took twice as long as Cindy.

Finally, we can conclude:

  1. 1st: Dave (Bob)
  2. 2nd: Alice (Green)
  3. 3rd: Cindy (Yellow)
  4. 4th: Cindy (Yellow) (half the time of Alice)

As for their favorite colors:

  1. Dave’s favorite color is blue.
  2. Alice’s favorite color is green.
  3. Bob’s favorite color is unknown.
  4. Cindy’s favorite color is yellow.

Solution of Four Friends

Note: The puzzle did not provide enough information to determine Bob’s favorite color.

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