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Program to print the Sum of series -1 + 2 + 11 + 26 + 47 +…..

Given a number N, the task is to find the sum of first N number of series:

-1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, …..


Input: N = 3
Output: 12
Sum = (N * (N + 1) * (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2
    = (3 * (3 + 1) * (2 * 3 - 5) + 4 * 3) / 2
    = 12

Input: N = 9
Output: 603


The Nth term of the given series can be generalised as:
Nth term of the series 

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

// CPP program to find SUM
// upto N-th term of the series:
// -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// calculate Nth term of series
int findSum(int N)
    return (N * (N + 1) * (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2;
// Driver Function
int main()
    // Get the value of N
    int N = 3;
    // Get the sum of the series
    cout << findSum(N) << endl;
    return 0;

// Java program to find SUM
// upto N-th term of the series:
// -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
import java.util.*;
class solution
 static int findSum(int N)
 return (N * (N + 1) * (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2;
//driver function
public static void main(String arr[])
  // Get the value of N
    int N = 3;
 // Get the sum of the series
//THis code is contributed by

# Python3 program to find sum
# upto N-th term of the series:
# -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
# calculate Nth term of series
def findSum(N):
    return ((N * (N + 1) *
           (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2)
#Driver Function
if __name__=='__main__':
    #Get the value of N
    N = 3
    #Get the sum of the series
#this code is contributed by Shashank_Sharma

// C# program to find SUM
// upto N-th term of the series:
// -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
using System;
class GFG
static int findSum(int N)
    return (N * (N + 1) *
           (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2;
// Driver Code
static public void Main ()
    // Get the value of N
    int N = 3;
    // Get the sum of the series
// This code is contributed by Raj

// PHP program to find SUM
// upto N-th term of the series:
// -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
// calculate Nth term of series
function findSum($N)
    return ($N * ($N + 1) *
             (2 * $N - 5) + 4 * $N) / 2;
// Driver Code
// Get the value of N
$N = 3;
// Get the sum of the series
echo findSum($N) . "\n";
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai(Abby_akku)

// javascript program to find SUM
// upto N-th term of the series:
// -1, 2, 11, 26, 47, 74, .....
function findSum(N)
    return (N * (N + 1) * (2 * N - 5) + 4 * N) / 2;
//driver function
  // Get the value of N
    var N = 3;
 // Get the sum of the series
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar




Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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