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PlaySimple Games Interview Experience For SDE Internship

About Company

Play Simple Games is a Banglore-based Gaming Studio that has launched several popular mobile games like Daily Themed Crossword, WordTrek, WordTrip, and Crossword Jam which have been downloaded by millions worldwide. Siddharth Jain is CEO and co-founder of PlaySimple, which he founded in 2014 alongside fellow co-founders including Siddhanth Jain.

Image of the Company

The people of Play Simple Games seem very professional and, at the same time, friendly. They all were quite passionate and young. The person who took my interview was one of the heads of the technical department. I liked the way he was very calm and friendly with me and treated me well in that interview room.

Interview Experience

There were 4 rounds of the selection process.

The first was an online Test, the second and third were two Technical Interviews, and the fourth was an HR round.

The first round was an online assessment held on Hackerrank to evaluate our computer fundamental knowledge and DSA depth. Those who cleared the first round went for the interview rounds. In the first interview round, intermediate-level questions related to DSA and DBMS and one question to test our analytical skills were asked. Like, as finding the frequency of x in an array with in time complexity less than O(n), Min-Stack in O(1), Shift all zeros to end, how to find records using indexing in Large Database, etc. Unfortunately, I couldn’t clear this round. The second technical interview round was quite a lengthy one, which eliminated most of the candidates. That’s all from my side.

Thank You

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