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Persistent Systems Interview Experience For Software Engineer (On-Campus) 2024

Aptitude test (AMCAT platform):

The aptitude round was just like any other aptitude round you’d face in any company, quantitative, logical, technical questions.

Those who cleared this round were qualified to the next round i.e. Advanced Coding Round.

Advanced Coding round (AMCAT platform):

2 questions were given, both were medium if you compare to leetcode, one was related to string string and the other one related to array/math.

Those who cleared this round were qualified for the next round i.e. Interviews.

30-35 candidates were shortlisted for face-to-face interviews.

Interviews Rounds:

Technical 1 (L1)

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. He asked me about my BE project and asked me to explain a scenario from my project with an example which I did.
  3. DBMS common questions like indexing, diff between RDBMS, write some queries using joins/subqueries
  4. Java/C++ OOP questions like inheritance/Polymorphism Etc
  5. Python code to reverse the string: Told both brute force and a better solution using 2 pointers
  6. Efficient Searching Algorithm to search a string in a list of strings
  7. I was asked a lot API related questions since I had mentioned it on my resume – how to troubleshoot if an API call gives an error, Status codes, API testing, latency
  8. GitHub(mentioned on a resume) – 2 branches merge conflicts, merge conflict resolution
  9. Testing – how is testing done, types
  10. Give step by step process of hosting a web application on your laptop
  11. What are threads, deadlock, multi-threading
  12. Linux(mentioned on resume) – how to add/remove permission of a user to write or kill a process given its name

That was all that was asked in L1

The interview went for around 40-45 minutes which was higher than the average time (please note – longer time does not mean higher chances)

The interviewer was very knowledgeable and very cool and the questions asked were more related to practical knowledge. I would say go through every detail about everything you have mentioned in your resume. My experience in L1 was very good, I felt I answered all of his questions satisfactorily and was lucky enough to be shortlisted for the next round (L2).

Around 8-9 were shortlisted to L2 from here.

Technical 2 (L2)

All the resume-related things were already discussed in L1 hence interviewer asked nothing from the resume in this round, not even the intro needed again. Straight to questions

This was my 2nd technical interview and got selected for the HR round.

5 candidates were selected from this round for the HR round

HR Round

You can expect some common HR questions.

All the 5 got finalized and I was one of them…YAY

What I learned from this interview and what I’d suggest to other candidates is :

Thanks for reading and All the very best!!

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