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Pdlist – Passive Subdomain Finder

Subdomain Enumeration is the initial step while performing Website Reconnaissance. This initial step can be performed through various automated tools. Pdlist is one of the automated tools which is developed in the Python language. Pdlist tool performs passive subdomain detection on the target domain without sending any packet to any of the hosts. Pdlist tool has the feature to scan multiple target domains at the same instance of time. Pdlist tool is available on the GitHub platform and it’s free, open-source to use.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

Installation of Pdlist Tool on Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Use the following command to install the tool in your Kali Linux operating system.

git clone

Step 2: Now use the following command to move into the directory of the tool. You have to move in the directory in order to run the tool.

cd pdlist

Step 3: You are in the directory of the pdlist. Now you have to install a dependency of the pdlist using the following command.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Run the file to complete the installation of the tool.

sudo python3 install

Step 5: All the dependencies have been installed in your Kali Linux operating system. Now use the following command to run the tool and check the help section.

pdlist -h

Working with Pdlist Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example 1: To have a list of subdomains passively of for example we can do


We have got the subdomains for

Example 2: We can also specify multiple domains


In the below screenshot, we have got the subdomains of

In the below screenshot, we have got the subdomains of

Example 3: We can save the output in a text file by doing

pdlist -o geeksforgeeks-list.txt

The results are saved in the geeksforgeeks-list.txt file and we have displayed these results in the below screenshot.

Example 4: If we want to only output proper subdomains we can enable the strict mode by doing

pdlist --strict

Results in strict mode are been displayed in the below screenshot.

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