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Payu Iinterview (On-Campus)

Written round: 5 coding and 15 MCQ on ds, algos, dbms. 

Round 1:

Tell me about yourself 
Given two strings str1 and str2 find if str2 is substring of str1, if yes return the starting index else return -1. 
Given time as a string in format of HH:MM, draw an analog clock. ( no logic , but made me write the entire code ) 

Round 2:

Tell me about yourself 
Given a binary tree, change the value in each node to sum of all the values in the nodes on the left side of the node.

Eg:                  1
/ \
2 3

/ \
2 6

solved this question using int* he asked me to do it without integer pointer. 

Round 3:

Tell me about yourself. 
Given a string without spaces and a dictionary return or print all possible ways that the string can be broken so that only valid words are formed. 

Eg. “programmerit”, dict = { “pro”, “gram”, “merit”, 
“program”, “programmer”, “it” }
ans: { {“pro”, “gram”, “merit”},
{“program”, “merit”},
{“programmer”, “it”} }

HR :

Tell me about yourself. 
Strengths, weaknesses, why payu, why coding?, motivation, challenging moment. 

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