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Oracle Architecture

Pre-requisites: Database 

Oracle Database is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that Oracle Corporation created and marketed. It is one of the most popular RDBMSs on the market and is used to store and retrieve data for a wide range of applications. Oracle Database is well-known for its dependability, scalability, and performance, and it is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and development frameworks. It includes data warehousing, online transaction processing, and advanced analytics, as well as high availability, disaster recovery, and security.

Oracle Database employs a client-server architecture, with the database server and client connections running in separate processes. The server process manages data and resources, and client connections communicate with the server to access and manipulate data. SQL, PL/SQL (Oracle’s proprietary procedural language), and Java are among the programming interfaces supported by Oracle Database. It also includes tools for database management and administration, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager and SQL Plus.

The oracle database architecture consists of: 

Oracle Instances

The instance is a collection of two things:

SGA: It stands for System Global Area. It is a shared memory area.  Whenever a database instance starts, some memory gets allocated and that memory is termed SGA. Along with memory allocation, one or more background processes will. SGA is used to store data as well as control information about one database instance through its various subcomponents, Where each component is dedicated to a specific purpose. Various Components are:

Background processes: Oracle has a collection of processes that are called background processes. These processes are responsible for managing memory, performing I/O operations, and other maintenance activities.  Following are some important background processes that are required:


Database System

The database system is suited to the storage system of a computer. The Database system is simply the storage of files. There are three categories of files that are situated in the database system and those are:-

There are other categories of files that contribute to database management. 


There are two types of processes:

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