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Operating System Security

Protection refers to a mechanism that controls the access of programs, processes, or users to the resources defined by a computer system. We can take protection as a helper to multiprogramming operating systems so that many users might safely share a common logical namespace such as a directory or files.

Security can be attacked in the following ways:

  1. Authorization
  2. Browsing
  3. Trap doors
  4. Invalid Parameters
  5. Line Tapping
  6. Electronic Data Capture
  7. Lost Line
  8. Improper Access Controls
  9. Waste Recovery
  10. Rogue Software

What is Operating System Security?

Measures to prevent a person from illegally using resources in a computer system, or interfering with them in any manner. These measures ensure that data and programs are used only by authorized users and only in a desired manner, and that they are neither modified nor denied to authorized users. Security measures deal with threats to resources that come from outside a computer system, while protection measures deal with internal threats. Passwords are the principal security tool. 

A password requirement thwarts attempts by unauthorized persons to masquerade as legitimate users of a system. The confidentiality of passwords is upheld by encryption. Computer users need to share data and programs stored in files with collaborators, and here is where an operating system’s protection measures come in. 

The owner of a file informs the OS of the specific access privileges other users are to have—whether and how others may access the file. The operating system’s protection function then ensures that all accesses to the file are strictly in accordance with the specified access privileges. We begin by discussing how different kinds of security breaches are carried out: Trojan horses, viruses, worms, and buffer overflows. Their description is followed by a discussion of encryption techniques. We then describe three popular protection structures called access control lists, capability lists, and protection domains, and examine the degree of control provided by them over sharing of files. In the end, we discuss how security classifications of computer systems reflect the degree to which a system can withstand security and protection threats

Security measures guard a user’s data and programs against interference from persons or programs outside the operating system; we broadly refer to such persons and their programs as nonusers.

Goal of Security System

Below are some goal of security system.

Threats to Operating System

Below are some threats to the operating system.


Malware is short for malicious software and refers to any software that is designed to cause harm to computer systems, networks, or users. Malware can take many forms. Malware is a program designed to gain access to computer systems, generally for the benefit of some third party, without the user’s permission.

Network Intrusion

A system called an intrusion detection system (IDS) observes network traffic for malicious transactions and sends immediate alerts when it is observed. It is software that checks a network or system for malicious activities or policy violations. Each illegal activity or violation is often recorded either centrally using a SIEM system or notified to an administration. 

Buffer Overflow Technique

 The buffer overflow technique can be employed to force a server program to execute an intruder-supplied code to breach the host computer system’s security. It has been used to a devastating effect in mail servers and other Web servers. The basic idea in this technique is simple. Most systems contain a fundamental vulnerability—some programs do not validate the lengths of inputs they receive from users or other programs. 

Because of this vulnerability, a buffer area in which such input is received may overflow and overwrite contents of adjoining areas of memory. On hardware platforms that use stacks that grow downward in memory  e.g., the Intel 80×86 architecture, such overflows provide an opportunity to execute a piece of code that is disguised as data put in the buffer. This code could launch a variety of security attacks

How a buffer overflow can be used to launch a security attack?

1. The stack grows downward, i.e., toward smaller addresses in memory. It looks as shown on the left before the currently executing function calls the function sample.
2. The code of the calling function pushes a return address and two parameters of sample onto the stack. Each of these occupies four bytes.
3. The code of sample allocates the variable beta and other variables on the stack. The stack now looks as shown on the right. Notice that the start address of beta is at the low end of the memory allocated to it. The end address of beta adjoins the last byte of the parameters.
4. The function sample copies 412 bytes into the variable beta. The first 408 bytes contain code whose execution would cause a security violation. Bytes 409–412 contain the start address of this code. These four bytes overwrite the return address in the stack.
5. The function sample executes a return statement. Control is transferred to the address found in the stack entry that is expected to contain the return address. Effectively, the code in variable beta is invoked. It executes with the privileges of the calling function.

Types of Threats

Below are tow types of threats.

1. Program threats

Below are some program threats.

2. System Threats

Below are some system threats.

How to Ensure Operating System Security?

Frequently Asked Questions on Operating System Security – FAQs

What is system security?

System security is the procedures and policies put in place to guard against unauthorized access to, use of, disclosure of, disruption of, alteration of, and destruction of computer systems and data.

What are the security problems in OS?

An unauthorized user running a computer application has the potential to seriously harm the system or the data on it.

Why is operating system security important?

Operating systems are exposed to a variety of cyberthreats, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, and other malware, if sufficient security measures are not taken. Significant harm, such as data loss, system breakdowns, and even monetary losses, can be brought on by these dangers.

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