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Opera Recruitment Process

This article will give you information about the company, its recruitment process, sample questions that have been asked previously, lots of experiences shared by other aspirants, and the portal where you can apply.

About Company:

Opera is a web browser for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems developed by Opera Software AS. It uses the Blink layout engine. Opera began in 1994 as a research project at Telenor, the largest Norwegian telecommunications company. In 1995, it branched out into a separate company named Opera Software ASA. Opera was first released publicly in 1996 with version 2.0, which only ran on Microsoft Windows.

In 2015, Opera was the fifth most popular desktop browser worldwide, according to StatCounter. In Q3 2017, Opera’s usage share across all platforms was 4.02%. Opera was the fifth most popular browser for mobile phones worldwide in 2015 with 11.00% of the market, according to StatCounter. Opera won Best Major Desktop Browser – 2010, 2012 by, PC World World Class Award 2004 and 2005

Recruitment Process:

Opera conducts 5-6 rounds to select freshers as Software Engineers in their organization.

Academic Criteria:

Online Round:

The written round consists of multiple choice questions from Quantitative Aptitude, Database, Networking, output-based questions, Data structures, and operating. You can practice topic-wise multiple choice questions from our Topic MCQ

Technical Rounds:

The students who clear the written round are called for a Technical Interview. To clear this round you should be clear with your basics. You should be prepared with Data structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Networking, and DBMS. Students will be expected to write codes in the interview. This round mainly concentrates on your fundamentals of computer science. They also ask questions about resumes. You may be asked puzzles in these rounds.

HR Rounds:

You can expect general HR questions like :

  1. Tell me about Yourself
  2. Why do you want to join Opera Solutions?
  3. Goal in life
  4. Discussion about projects.
  5. Questions form resume


Interview Experiences:

It is always beneficial if you know what it is to be there at that moment. So, to give you an advantage, we provide you with the Interview Experiences of candidates who have been in your situation earlier. Make the most of it.

Questions Asked in Symantec:

  1. Travelling Salesman Problem
  2. Product array puzzle
  3. What is meant by Proactive?
  4. What is the E-R model?

Where to Apply?

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