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Offchain vs Sidechain vs StateChannel in Blockchain

This article focusses on discussing the differences between Off-chain, Side Chain, and State Channel Blockchain.

What is Off-chain?

On a cryptocurrency network, transactions that shift value away from the blockchain are referred to as “off-chain transactions.” Off-chain transactions are becoming more and more common due to their nil or cheap costs, particularly among big participants. Off-chain transactions can function utilizing a third-party or coupon-based intermediary, by exchanging private keys to an existing wallet in place of transmitting money, or both.
A transaction off the blockchain removes the value from the blockchain. It can be carried out in a variety of ways:

  1. The parties to a transaction may consent to a transfer.
  2. Using a third party who promises to uphold the deal, such as a guarantor. These principles are used by PayPal and other contemporary payment processors.
  3. In exchange for the cryptocurrency tokens, a participant purchases coupons and transfers the code to a third party so they can use it to redeem the coupons.   

Off-chain Protocols:

  1. The Lightning Network: On top of the Blockchain of Bitcoin, the Lightning Network is a Layer 2 protocol that enables users to swiftly and cheaply complete an endless number of transactions. Users can communicate on this decentralized peer-to-peer network by encrypting their Bitcoin in a multi-signature address and supporting it with a funding transaction.
  2. Liquid Network: Since the Liquid Network uses a sidechain protocol, transactions are carried out separately from data storage on the Bitcoin blockchain. The Liquid Network is more affordable, quicker, and more secretive than the main Blockchain, which means it hides the amount of money involved in a transaction.
  3. Custodial Services: A third-party service known as a “custody solution” is one that stores and protects tokens on behalf of institutional investors who deal in significant amounts of bitcoin. Private keys and online wallets can also be used to hold tokens, but they are not completely secure.

Pros of Off-chain:

Cons of Off-chain:

Off-chain techniques have a variety of drawbacks, but some of these include:

What is Side Chain?

With the help of sidechains, which are new methods, tokens and other digital assets from one blockchain can be safely used in a different blockchain and then transferred back if necessary. The potential for sidechain functionality to improve the capabilities of current blockchains is enormous.
The ability of sidechains to enable a more seamless asset exchange between the mainnet and the secondary blockchain is one of their fundamental features. This enables projects to expand their ecosystem in a decentralized manner by safely transferring digital assets like tokens between blockchains. Projects for connecting data between public blockchains include Cosmos, Plasma, Matic, and Polkadot.

Key components of sidechain:

  1. Two-way peg: Digital currencies like bitcoin can be moved back and forth between the mainnet and the brand-new sidechain thanks to a two-way peg. It’s interesting to note that there is never a “transfer” of a digital asset. The assets are simply locked on the mainnet while an identical quantity is unlocked in the sidechain; they are not truly moved.
  2. Smart contracts: Smart contracts, to put it simply, are blockchain-based algorithms that execute when certain criteria are satisfied.. They are often used to automate the implementation of an agreement so that all parties can be certain of the conclusion right away, without the need for an intermediary or additional delay. They can also automate a workflow such that when circumstances are met, the following action is executed. By requiring validators on the mainnet and sidechain to perform honestly while validating cross-chain transactions, smart contracts are utilized to ensure that fraud is kept to a minimum. A smart contract will alert the mainnet that an event has transpired once a transaction has taken place.

Sidechains in practice include the Liquid Network for Bitcoin and RootStock (RSK). Only transactions involving bitcoin are feasible since both sidechains are connected to the main Bitcoin network.

Pros of Sidechain:

Cons of Sidechain:

What is State Channel?

State channels, sometimes known as “off-chain” transactions, are a method through which users do business with one another directly outside of the blockchain with little or no reliance on “on-chain” processes. The most advanced scaling solution for Ethereum that is most likely to be ready for production is this one. The idea behind state channels is quite similar to that of payment channels in the Lightning Network of Bitcoin, but rather than just facilitating payments, state channels also support broader “state updates.”
State channels reduce the computational strain that nodes must endure when processing and storing transactions, increasing the throughput of public blockchains. The process of validating the miners’ work will become more decentralized because it will be simpler to run a node as a result. Similar to this, State Channels lower the price associated with using the Ethereum network.

Key components of state channel:

Pros of State Channel:

Cons of State Channel:

Off- chain vs Side Chain vs State Channel

Below are some of the differences between off-chain vs side chain vs state channel: 

Parameters Off-chain Side Chain State Channel
Working A transaction that cannot be validated by reading the blockchain is referred to as an “off-chain transaction.” The blockchain network cannot determine whether or not the transaction actually took place because it is not reflected on the blockchain.
In essence, a side chain is a branch of the main chain. As a result, this side chain can be processed and blocks added without affecting the main chain. In essence, state channels are a technique of carrying out a transaction. Here, the parties concur to perform the transaction off-chain or privately for a while (this could be to avoid a huge transaction fee otherwise)
Security Less secure due to lesser transparency Secure but is using a different consensus algorithm Highly secure
Transaction  Participants in State Channels rely on mutual agreements that are verified by their blockchain encryption signatures. Before leaving the blockchain, the parties elaborate on the state of their transactions in a smart contract. Participants can execute as many transactions as they like while off-chain without relying on miners’ verifications. Additionally, they do not demand the creation of fresh blocks for every transaction. After designating specific output transactions in the main chain as no longer being processed in the main chain, side chains are typically constructed. Only the side chain can process these transactions and the offspring of those transactions.
Cost It has a lower cost Relatively expensive It is almost free

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