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Object Equality in Scala

In programming language, Comparing two values for equality is ubiquitous. We define an equals method for a Scala class so we can compare object instances to each other. In Scala, equality method signifying object identity, however, it’s not used much. 
In scala, Three different equality methods available – 

Note: eq behave same as the == operator behaves in Java, C++, and C#, but not == in Ruby. The ne method is the negation of eq, i.e., it is equivalent to !(x eq y). In Java, C++, and C# the == operator tests for reference, not value equality. In contrast, Ruby’s == operator tests for value equality. But in Scala, == is testing for value equality.
Let’s understand with example.
Example : 

// Scala program of Equals
// Creating a case class of
// Subject
case class Subject (LanguageName:String, TopicName:String)
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating objects
        var x = Subject("Scala", "Equality")
        var y = Subject("Scala", "Equality")
        var z = Subject("Java", "Array")
        // Displays true if instances
        // are equal else false
        println(y == z)



If two object are equal according to the equals method, then calling the hash code method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. equals (and, ==) is by default the same as eq, but we can change its behavior by overriding the equals method in the classes we define. Scala treats == as if it were defined as follows in class Any: 
Below is the example of equals method and corresponding hashCode method:
Example : 

// Scala program to illustrate how
// hashCode() and equals() methods work
// Creating class
class Subject (name: String, article: Int)
    // Defining canEqual method
    def canEqual(a: Any) = a.isInstanceOf[Subject]
    // Defining equals method with override keyword
    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
        that match
        case that: Subject => that.canEqual(this) &&
                    this.hashCode == that.hashCode
        case _ => false
    // Defining hashcode method
    override def hashCode: Int = {
        val prime = 31
        var result = 1
        result = prime * result + article;
        result = prime * result +
                (if (name == null) 0 else name.hashCode)
        return result
// Driver code
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating the Objects of Geek class.
        // Subject g1 = new Subject("aa", 1);
        val g1 = new Subject("Scala", 28)
        val g2 = new Subject("Scala", 28);
        // Comparing above created Objects.
        if(g1.hashCode() == g2.hashCode())
                println("Both Objects are equal. ");
                println("Both Objects are not equal. ");
            println("Both Objects are not equal. ");


Both Objects are equal. 

In above example, a modified version of a hashCode method that Eclipse generated for a similar Java class. It also uses a canEqual method. With the equals method defined, we can compare instances of a Subject with == .

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