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Scala Extractors

In Scala Extractor is defined as an object which has a method named unapply as one of its part. This method extracts an object and returns back the attributes. This method is also used in Pattern matching and Partial functions. Extractors also explains apply method, which takes the arguments and constructs an object so, it’s helpful in constructing values. The unapply method reverses the construction procedure of the apply method. 
The return type of the unapply method can be selected like stated below: 

Example : 

// Scala program of extractors
// Creating object
object Name
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Defining apply method
        def apply(firstname: String, lastname: String) =
            firstname +"kumari"+ lastname
        // Defining unapply method
        def unapply(x: String): Option[(String, String)] =
            // Applying a method split
            val y = x.split("kumari")
            if (y.length == 2)
                Some(y(0), y(1))
        // Displays output
        println ("The Apply method returns : " +
                        apply("Nidhi", "Singh"))
        println ("The Unapply method returns : " +

The Apply method returns : NidhikumariSingh
The Unapply method returns : Some((Nidhi,Singh))

Here, this example shows an extractor object for Name.The object Name defines two methods apply and unapply. The apply method accepts the arguments specified within the parenthesis and also creates a value as specified in the method. The first and last name combined together with kumari(middle name) in between is returned. The unapply method breaks the arguments as specified and returns firstname object into an extractor . It returns a pair of strings if as an argument, the first name and last name is passed else returns none. 

Example :  

// Scala program of extractors
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Defining apply method
        def apply(q: Double): Double = q * 10
        // Defining unapply method
        def unapply(r: Int): Option[Int] = {
            if (r % 5 == 0)
                Some(r * 5)
        // Displays output
        println ("The Apply method returns : " + apply(20))
        println ("The Unapply method returns : " + unapply(35))

The Apply method returns : 200.0
The Unapply method returns : Some(175)

Here, this example shows an extractor object for GFG.The object GFG defines two methods apply and unapply. The apply method accepts the arguments of double type . When we call apply method then the passed argument is multiplied by 10 and returns the multiplied number. The unapply method breaks the arguments if passed value is divisible by 5 than passed value is multiplied by 5 and returns that(r*5) else returns none. 

Usage Of Scala Extractors

// Scala program of extractors
// with pattern matching
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Assigning value to the
        // object
        val x = GfG(25)
        // Displays output of the
        // Apply method
        // Applying pattern matching
        x match
            // unapply method is called
            case GfG(y) => println("The value is: "+y)
            case _ => println("Can't be evaluated")
    // Defining apply method
    def apply(x: Double) = x / 5
    // Defining unapply method
    def unapply(z: Double): Option[Double] =
        if (z % 5 == 0)
        else None

The value is: 1.0

// Scala program of extractors
// to return a Boolean type
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Defining unapply method
        def unapply(x:Int): Boolean = {
            if (x % 3 == 0)
        // Displays output in Boolean type
        println ("The Unapply method returns : " + unapply(12))
        println ("The Unapply method returns : " + unapply(35))

The Unapply method returns : true
The Unapply method returns : false

Here, The object GFG defines a method unapply. during the calling of unapply method a parameter is passed if the value is divided by 3 than returns true else returns false.

Scala Extractors are objects that can be used to deconstruct objects and extract their parts in a flexible and concise way. They are often used in pattern matching, a powerful feature of Scala that allows developers to match objects against a set of patterns and execute code based on the matching result.

Extractors are created by defining an object with an unapply method. This method takes an object and returns an optional tuple of values that represent the extracted parts of the object. If the object cannot be deconstructed into the desired parts, the unapply method returns None.

Sure! Here’s an example code that demonstrates the use of an Extractor to deconstruct a case class object:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
object Adult {
  def unapply(person: Person): Option[String] = {
    if (person.age >= 18) Some(
    else None
val john = Person("John", 25)
val alice = Person("Alice", 17)
val message1 = john match {
  case Adult(name) => s"$name is an adult"
  case _ => "Not an adult"
val message2 = alice match {
  case Adult(name) => s"$name is an adult"
  case _ => "Not an adult"
println(message1) // Output: John is an adult
println(message2) // Output: Not an adult


John is an adult
Not an adult

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