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numpy.triu() in Python

numpy.triu(a, k = 0) : Returns copy of array with upper part of the triangle w.r.t k
Parameters :

a : input array
k : [int, optional, 0 by default]
          Diagonal we require; k>0 means diagonal above main diagonal or vice versa.

Returns :

Upper triangle of a, having same shape and data-type as a.

# Python Programming illustrating
# numpy. triu method
import numpy as geek
# string input
a = geek.matrix([[1, 21, 30], 
                 [63 ,434, 3], 
                 [54, 54, 56]])
print("Main Diagonal elements : \n", geek. triu(a), "\n")
print("Diagonal above main Diagonal elements : \n", geek. triu(a, 1), "\n\n")
print("Main Diagonal elements : \n", geek. triu(a, -1))

Output :

Main Diagonal elements : 
 [[  1  21  30]
 [  0 434   3]
 [  0   0  56]] 

Diagonal above main Diagonal elements : 
 [[ 0 21 30]
 [ 0  0  3]
 [ 0  0  0]] 

Main Diagonal elements : 
 [[  1  21  30]
 [ 63 434   3]
 [  0  54  56]]

Reference :
Note :
These NumPy-Python programs won’t run on online IDE’s, so run them on your systems to explore them.

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