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numpy.flipud() in Python

The numpy.flipud() function flips the array(entries in each column) in up-down direction, shape preserved. Syntax: 


Parameters : 

array : [array_like]Input array, we want to flip

Return : 

Flipped array in up-down direction.

# Python Program illustrating
# numpy.flipud() method
import numpy as geek
array = geek.arange(8).reshape((2,2,2))
print("Original array : \n", array)
# flipud : means flip up-down
print("\nFlipped array : \n", geek.flipud(array))

Output : 

Original array : 
 [[[0 1]
  [2 3]]

 [[4 5]
  [6 7]]]

Flipped array : 
 [[[4 5]
  [6 7]]

 [[0 1]
  [2 3]]]

Note : These codes won’t run on online IDE’s. So please, run them on your systems to explore the working.

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