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Mathematics | PnC and Binomial Coefficients

Prerequisite – Combinatorics Basics 

Several Counting problems require finding the number of ways to arrange a certain number of distinct elements, where the relative order of these elements matter, other problems focus on finding the number of ways of selecting a particular number of elements from a set, where the order of the elements does not matter. Both types of problems are similar except for one crucial difference, that difference is order


Permutation –

A permutation of a set of distinct objects is an ordered arrangement of these objects. A permutation is often also referred to as an arrangement. The relative order of the elements matters in an arrangement. 
An ordered arrangement of elements of a set is called an r-permutation. It is represented as 


The above formula for is a simple application of the product-rule



Combination –

A combination of a set of distinct objects is just a count of the number of ways a specific number of elements can be selected from a set of a certain size. The order of elements does not matter in a combination. 
An unordered selection of elements from a set is called an r-combination. It is represented as and 
Since a combination is just a permutation without order, the number of -combination can be expressed in terms of -permutation. 
The -permutation can be obtained by first obtaining the -combination and then ordering the elements in each -combination, which can be done in ways. 

which gives us- 




Binomial Coefficients –

The -combinations from a set of elements if denoted by . This number is also called a binomial coefficient since it occurs as a coefficient in the expansion of powers of binomial expressions. 
The binomial theorem gives a power of a binomial expression as a sum of terms involving binomial coefficients. 

Let and be variables and be a non-negative integer. Then 




GATE CS Corner Questions

Practicing the following questions will help you test your knowledge. All questions have been asked in GATE in previous years or in GATE Mock Tests. It is highly recommended that you practice them. 

Questions 1 and 2 are related. 
1. GATE CS 2007, Question 84 
2. GATE CS 2007, Question 85 
3. GATE CS 2003, Question 4 
4. GATE CS 2003, Question 5 



Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, by Kenneth H Rosen 



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