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MAQ Software Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer

MAQ Software visited the campus to hire for the position of Associate Software Engineer. I would like to share my interview experience with my fellow geeks for the same

Total Rounds : 3

Round 1: Aptitude + Coding

Aptitude: 30 min

Coding: 60 min

Note: Read the problem statement thoroughly especially the input statement. Few of my friends were not able to solve the question yet they know the logic of the problem statement. I think they did not read the input statement. The input statement was N comma-separated Integers instead of N space-separated Integers. This might differ in your case. So, please read the input statement

Round 2: Technical Interview


Round 3: Technical Interview2

I was lucky enough that no questions were asked to me regarding projects in both rounds. Your scenario might be different .so, be prepared to answer the questions regarding projects as well.

Wishing you ALL THE BEST !!

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