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Maersk Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Maersk came for an internship for 4 roles and gave PPO offers based on the candidate’s performance during the internship duration. Expect Maersk to come around for campus somewhere around the end of the 6th semester.

Internship profiles were for the following roles

  1. Full-Stack Developer
  2. Data Engineering
  3. .Net Developer
  4. Technical Engineer_ Junior Architect

Rounds of interview

Detailed Information

Round 1 (Written-test): This round was conducted on Co-Cubes. It had 3 sections in total to be solved in 1 and half hours.

First Section: Included 8 sections of around 70 marks no negative marking and to be completed within 60 mins.

  1. Aptitude – Time & Work, Probability, Profit & Loss, etc. (15 MCQ Questions)
  2. Python – Medium difficulty (8 MCQ Questions)
  3. Machine learning – A bit tough(because I have less exposed to ML) (8 MCQ Questions)
  4. UI/UX – Basic CSS questions & JavaScript Questions (8 MCQ Questions)
  5. Java – Some terms in Java and need to pick the correct meaning, output questions, etc. (8 MCQ Questions)
  6. SQL – Question from normal B.Tech syllabus (8 MCQ Questions)
  7. CS Questions – C and C++ questions, DSA questions, time complexity, etc. (8 MCQ Questions)
  8. Automata & coding – (7 MCQ Questions)

Here the thing was even if you apply for .Net developer or junior architect everyone has to give the written test having the same above question. Maybe the selection was based on individual section marks. So chill out if you are applying for Full Stack and you don’t know ML.

Second Section:

Round 2 (Technical Interview): Around 65+ students made it to the 2nd round. But not disclosed to us. The technical interview lasted for about 30 minutes in the evening.

Questions were like

Behavioral Questions

Round 3 (Technical + Managerial): Around 10-15 students must have made it to the 3rd round. Not disclosed to us.

He then asked questions related to my resume, previous internships I have done.

Then within a week got the response about the selection and the next steps specific to joining the internship.

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