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Lease Financing : Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

Lease financing is a popular medium and long-term financing option in which the owner of an asset grant another person the right to use the asset in exchange for a periodic payment. The asset’s owner is known as the lessor, and the user is known as the lessee. A contract is to be made between the lessor and the lessee regarding the terms and conditions of the lease. After the lease period is over, the asset goes back to the lessor (the owner). There can also be a provision in the contract regarding compulsory buying of the asset by the lessee (the user) after the lease period is over. 

The lessee is given the right to use the asset, but the lessor retains ownership, and the asset is returned to the lessor at the end of the lease contract, or the lessee is given the option to purchase the asset or renew the lease agreement.

Advantages of Lease Financing

A. To Lessor: The following are the benefits of lease financing from the perspective of the lessor:

B. To Lessee: The following are the benefits of lease financing from the perspective of the lessee:

Disadvantages of Lease Financing

A. To Lessor:  The following are the disadvantages of lease financing from the perspective of the lessor:

B. To Lessee:  The following are the disadvantages of lease financing from the perspective of the lessee:

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