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LabelValue Class in JavaTuples

A LabelValue is a Tuple from JavaTuples library that deals with only 2 elements – a label and a value. Since this LabelValue is a generic class, it can hold any type of value in it.

Since LabelValue is a Tuple, hence it also has all the characteristics of JavaTuples: 

Class Declaration

public final class LabelValue<A, B> extends Tuple 
           implements IValueLabel<A>, IValueValue<B> 

Class hierarchy 

  ↳ org.javatuples.Tuple
      ↳ org.javatuples.LabelValue<A, B> 

Creating LabelValue Tuple 

LabelValue<A, B> kv = new LabelValue<A, B>(value1, value2);

// Below is a Java program to create
// a LabelValue tuple from Constructor
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = new LabelValue<Integer, String>(Integer.valueOf(1),


[1, GeeksforGeeks]
LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = LabelValue.with(value1, value2);

// Below is a Java program to create
// a LabelValue tuple from with() method
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");


[1, GeeksforGeeks]
LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = LabelValue.fromCollection(collectionWith_2_value);
LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = LabelValue.fromArray(arrayWith_2_value);

// Below is a Java program to create
// a LabelValue tuple from Collection
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating LabelValue from List
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        list.add("A computer portal");
        LabelValue<String, String> kv
            = LabelValue.fromCollection(list);
        // Creating LabelValue from Array
        String[] arr = { "GeeksforGeeks", "A computer portal" };
        LabelValue<String, String> otherLabelValue
            = LabelValue.fromArray(arr);


[GeeksforGeeks, A computer portal]
[GeeksforGeeks, A computer portal]

Getting Value

The getValue() and getLabel() methods can be used to fetch the value and key respectively in a LabelValue Tuple. 

LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

type2 val1 = kv.getLabel();

// Below is a Java program to get
// a LabelValue value
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");


LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

type2 val1 = kv.getValue();

// Below is a Java program to get
// a LabelValue value
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");



Setting LabelValue Value

Since the Tuples are immutable, it means that modifying a value at an index is not possible. Hence, JavaTuples offer setLabel(value) and setValue(value) which creates a copy of the LabelValue with a new value according to method used, and returns a new LabelValue object.

LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

LabelValue<type1, type2> kvNew = kv.setLabel(valueNew);

// Below is a Java program to set
// a LabelValue Key
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");
        LabelValue<Integer, String> otherLabelValue
            = kv.setLabel(10);


[10, GeeksforGeeks]
LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

LabelValue<type1, type2> kvNew = kv.setValue(valueNew);

// Below is a Java program to set
// a LabelValue Value
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");
        LabelValue<Integer, String> otherLabelValue
            = kv.setValue("A computer science portal");


[1, A computer science portal]

Searching in LabelValue

An element can be searched in a tuple with the pre-defined method contains(). It returns a boolean value whether the value is present or not.


LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

boolean res = kv.contains(value2);


// Below is a Java program to search
// a value
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");
        // Using contains for True result
        boolean exist = kv.contains("GeeksforGeeks");
        // Using contains for False result
        boolean exist1 = kv.contains(4);



Iterating through LabelValue

Since LabelValue implement the Iterable<Object> interface. It means that they can be iterated in the same way as collections or arrays.


LabelValue<type1, type2> kv = 
    new LabelValue<type1, type2>(value1, value2);

for (Object item : kv) {


// Below is a Java program to iterate
// a LabelValue
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.LabelValue;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        LabelValue<Integer, String> kv
            = LabelValue.with(Integer.valueOf(1), "GeeksforGeeks");
        for (Object item : kv)



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