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Kotlin | Language for Android, now Official by Google

Kotlin is a new Open-Source programming language from JetBrains. It first appeared in 2011 when JetBrains unveiled their project named “Kotlin”. Basically like Java, C and C++ — Kotlin is also a “statically typed programming language” (languages in which variables need not be defined before they are used).
Static typing does not mean that we have to declare all the variables first before we use them. Variables may be initialized anywhere in the program when there is a need.
Consider the following example –

/* Java Code */
static int num1, num2; //explicit declaration
num1 = 20; //use the variables anywhere
num2 = 30;
/* Kotlin Code*/
val a: Int
val b: Int
a = 5
b = 10

Kotlin support is a chance to use a modern and powerful language, solving common headaches such as runtime exceptions and source code verbosity. Kotlin is easy to get started with and can be gradually introduced into existing projects which means that your existing skills and technology investments are preserved.

Features of Kotlin Language:

Comparison with Java

Benefits of Kotlin Language:

Some Facts about Kotlin:

Some useful links:

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