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Kotlin Aggregate operations

Aggregate operation is an operation that is performed on a data structure, such as an array, as a whole rather than performed on an individual element.

    Functions that used aggregate operations are as follows:

  1. count() function is used to returns the number of elements.
  2. sum() function is used to returns the sum of elements in the collection of numbers.
  3. min() functions are used to return the smallest element.
  4. max() functions are used to return the largest element.
  5. average() function is used to returns the average value of elements in the collection of numbers.
  6. maxBy() function returns a Collector that produces the maximal element according to a given .
  7. minBy() function returns a Collector that produces the minimal element according to a given .
  8. maxWith() function take a Comparator object and generally return the largest element.
  9. minWith() function take a Comparator object and generally return the smallest element.
  10. sumBy() performs an efficient and optionally weighted by-group summation by using linear algebra and the Matrix package capabilities..
  11. sumByDouble() Returns the sum of all values produced by selector function applied to each element in the array..

Kotlin program of using some of aggregate functions –

//Functions that used aggregate operations
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(6,34,57,78,12,4,5,5)
    println("Count the number of element in the list: ${numbers.count()}")
    println("Sum of the elements in the list: ${numbers.sum()}")
    println("Min value in the list: ${numbers.min()}")
    println("Max value in the list: ${numbers.max()}")
    println("Average of all elements in the list: ${numbers.average()}")


Count the number of element in the list: 8
Sum of the elements in the list: 201
Min value in the list: 4
Max value in the list: 78
Average of all elements in the list: 25.125

Kotlin program of using sumBy() and sumByDouble() functions-

//Functions that used aggregate operations
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(6,34,57,78,12,4,5,5)
    println("Multiply each element with 3 and sum: "+numbers.sumBy { it * 3 })
    println(numbers.sumByDouble { it.toDouble() / 2 })


Multiply each element with 3 and sum: 603

Kotlin program of using minBy() and maxWith() functions –

//Functions that used aggregate operations
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(6,34,57,78,12,4,5,5)
    val minRem = numbers.minBy { it % 4}
    println("Minimum remainder returned by: " +minRem)
    val strings = listOf("Cricket","Football","Volley","Chess")
    val maxstrln = strings.maxWith(compareBy { it.length })
    println("String with max length is: " +maxstrln)


Minimum remainder returned by: 12
String with max length is: Football

Fold and Reduce Functions

Kotlin program of using fold() and reduce() functions –

//Fold and Reduce Functions
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(57,78,12,4,5,5, 42)
    val sum = numbers.reduce { sum, element -> sum + element }
    println("The sum of all elements in list "+sum)
    val sumThrice = numbers.fold(0) { sum, element -> sum + element * 3}
    println("Multiply each element with 3 and sum "+sumThrice)


The sum of all elements in list 203
Multiply each element with 3 and sum 609

Kotlin program of using foldRight() function –

//Fold and Reduce Functions
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(6,34,57,78,12,4,5,5, 4)
    val sumThriceRight= numbers.foldRight(0){element, sum -> sum + element*3}
    println("The sum of the numbers from the right side: "+sumThriceRight)


The sum of the numbers from the right side: 615

Kotlin program of using foldIndexed() and foldRightIndexed() –

//Fold and Reduce Functions
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val numbers = listOf(6,34,57,78,12,4,5,5, 42, 10, 4)
    val sumOfEvenNumbers = numbers.foldIndexed(0)
    { idx, sum, element -> if (idx % 2 == 0) sum + element else sum }
    println("Sum of even numbers: "+sumOfEvenNumbers)
    val sumOfEvenFromRight = numbers.foldRightIndexed(0)
    { idx, element, sum -> if (idx % 2 == 0) sum + element else sum }
    println("Sum of even numbers from Right side: "+sumOfEvenFromRight)


Sum of even numbers: 126
Sum of even numbers from Right side: 126

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