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Josh Technology Interview Experience for SDE (Off-Campus)

Online Selection Test: The comprised of three phases and all of them were on the same day.

Technical Rounds: I directly had my second interview after the online test while many people had their first technical interview as well, all the rounds were completely focused on trees

Interview Round 2: In this round, three questions were asked and all of them were based on trees

           in its case number formed are 123,543 and 643 and the final output of the code should be 123+543+643=1309  in O(N) time and O(1) space

Interview Round 3: 

HR Round:

  1. How was the experience so far
  2. What was the level of difficulty
  3. How did you prepare for the rounds
  4. Who you are as a person
  5. Your Weakness
  6. If you were given a lot of work how would you handle the pressure
  7. Do you have any offer letter from some other company 
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