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JavaScript SyntaxError “variable” is a reserved identifier

This JavaScript exception variable is a reserved identifier occurs if the reserved keywords are used as identifiers.


SyntaxError: The use of a future reserved word for an identifier is invalid (Edge) SyntaxError: “x” is a reserved identifier (Firefox) SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word (Chrome)

Error Type:


What happened?

When Reserved keywords are used as identifiers they will throw an error. enum is reserved in both strict and sloppy modes. while the following keywords are reserved in strict mode.

Example 1: The package is an identifier in strict mode, So it will work fine here.

let package = "This is GeeksForGeeks";


This is GeeksForGeeks

Example 2: The enum is an identifier, So it will throw SyntaxError.

let enum = "This is GeeksForGeeks";


SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
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