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Javascript String matchAll() Method

The matchAll() method is a JavaScript string method used to retrieve all matches of a regular expression within a string.




Return value:

Returns an iterator containing the matches including the capturing groups.

JavaScript String matchAll() Examples

Example 1: Extracting Multiple Matches with JavaScript matchAll()

The code defines a function myFunction that demonstrates the usage of the matchAll() method. It creates a regular expression /e(xam)(ple(\d?))/g with capturing groups and the global flag. It applies this regex pattern to the string 'example1example2example3' using matchAll(). The resulting array contains match objects, each representing a match and its capturing groups. It prints the first three match objects from the array.

function myFunction() { 
    //Regular expression with the /g flag
    const regex = /e(xam)(ple(\d?))/g;
    //Reference string
    const str = 'example1example2example3';
    //Using matchAll() method
    const array = [...str.matchAll(regex)];


index: 0,
input: 'example1example2example3',
groups: undefined
index: 8,
input: 'example1example2example3',
groups: undefined
index: 16,
input: 'example1example2example3',
groups: undefined

Example 2: Case-Sensitive Match Extraction using matchAll() in JavaScript

This example uses matchAll() with a case-sensitive regex pattern to extract occurrences of "geek" from the input string, iterating over the resulting match objects to log each match.

function extractMatches() {
    const regex = /geek/g; // Case-sensitive regex pattern
    const str = 'Geek, geek, GEEK'; // Input string
    const matches = [...str.matchAll(regex)]; // Extracting matches
    for (const match of matches) {
        console.log(match[0]); // Output: 'geek'



We have a complete list of Javascript Strings methods, to check those please go through Javascript String Complete reference article.

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