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JavaScript Program to Find the Square Root

Given a number N, the task is to calculate the square root of a given number using JavaScript. There are the approaches to calculate the square root of the given number, these are:

Approaches to Find the Square Root of Given Number in JavaScript:

Basic Examples:

Input: num = 25
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 25 is 5.

Input: num = -120
Output: NaN
Explanation: The square root of Negative numbers is NaN.

Input: num = 'Geeks'
Output: NaN
Explanation: The square root of String Value is NaN.

Approach 1: Using Math.sqrt() Method

The Math.sqrt() method is used to find the Square Root of a given number.


Math.sqrt( value )

Example: In this example we will find the square root using JavaScript Math.sqrt() method.

const num1 = 25;
const num2 = -120;
const num3 = 'Geeks';
// Math.sqrt() function returns the
// square root of number
console.log('Square Root of '
    num1 + ' is ' + Math.sqrt(num1));
// Math.sqrt() function returns NaN, because
// the passed value is negative integer
console.log('Square Root of '
    num2 + ' is ' + Math.sqrt(num2));
// Math.sqrt() function returns NaN, because
// the passed value is string
console.log('Square Root of '
    num3 + ' is ' + Math.sqrt(num3));

Square Root of 25 is 5
Square Root of -120 is NaN
Square Root of Geeks is NaN

Approach 2: Using JavaScript Math.pow() Method

The Math.pow() method is used calculate the power a number i.e., the value of the number raised to some exponent. To get the square root of any Number, we set the power to 1/2 of that number.


Math.pow( num, 1/2 )

Example: In this example, we will calculate the square root of given values using Math.pow() method.

const num1 = 25;
const num2 = -120;
const num3 = 'Geeks';
// Math.pow() function returns the
// square root of number
console.log('Square Root of '
    num1 + ' is ' + Math.pow(num1, 1/2));
// Math.pow() function returns NaN, because
// the passed value is negative integer
console.log('Square Root of '
    num2 + ' is ' + Math.pow(num2, 1/2));
// Math.pow() function returns NaN, because
// the passed value is string
console.log('Square Root of '
    num3 + ' is ' + Math.pow(num3, 1/2));

Square Root of 25 is 5
Square Root of -120 is NaN
Square Root of Geeks is NaN

Approach 3: Using Binary Search

The binary search is used to find the square root of the given number N with precision upto 5 decimal places. 

Example: In this article, we will calculate the square root of the given Number using Binary Search.

// Function to find the square-root of N
function findSqrt(number) {
    let start = 0, end = number, mid, ans;
    // To find integral part of square
    // root of number
    while (start <= end) {
        // Find mid
        mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
        // If number is perfect square
        // then break
        if (mid * mid == number) {
            ans = mid;
        // Increment start if integral
        // part lies on right side
        // of the mid
        if (mid * mid < number) {
            // First start value should be
            // added to answer
            ans = start;
            // Then start should be changed
            start = mid + 1;
        // Decrement end if integral part
        // lies on the left side of the mid
        else {
            end = mid - 1;
    // To find the fractional part
    // of square root upto 5 decimal
    let increment = 0.1;
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        while (ans * ans <= number) {
            ans += increment;
        // Loop terminates,
        // when ans * ans > number
        ans = ans - increment;
        increment = increment / 10;
    return ans;
// Driver Code
const n = 36;


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