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JavaScript Object hasOwn() Method

JavaScript hasOwn() method is used to check if the object has the specified property or not. It returns true if the property exists else false. This method was introduced as a replacement for the Object.hasOwnProperty() method. It is different from in operator as it does not check for inherited properties.


Object.hasOwn(obj, prop)

Parameters: This method takes two parameters

Return Value: A boolean value true if exists else false.

Example 1: This example uses the hasOwn() method to check if a property exists or not

let details = {
    name: "Raj",
    course: "DSA",
    website: "",
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, 'name'));
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, 'course'));
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, 'phone number'));



Example 2: This example will compare the in operator and Object.hasOwn() method.

let details = {
    name: "Raj",
    course: "DSA",
    website: "",
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, 'name'));
console.log('name' in details);
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, 'toString'));
console.log('hasOwnProperty' in details);

Output: The in operator returns true for even inherited properties like toString is an inherited method for all JavaScript objeccts.


Example 3: This method compares the hasOwnProperty() method and hasOwn() method.

let details = Object.create(null);
details.course = "DSA";
console.log(Object.hasOwn(details, "course"));
console.log(Object.hasOwnProperty(details, "course"))

Output: The hasOwnProperty() method does not work on null objects but hasOwn() method works. So it is better than hasOwnProperty() method


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We have a complete list of Object methods, and properties to check those please go through this JavaScript Object Reference article.

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