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JavaScript Number parseInt() Method

The parseInt() method in JavaScript converts a string into an integer (a whole number) based on the specified radix (base). If the first character of the string cannot be converted to a number, NaN is returned.

The method takes two parameters: the string to be parsed and the radix (optional, default is 10).
2 = binary, 8 = octal, 10 = decimal, 16 = hexadecimal.

Number parseInt() Method Syntax

parseInt(Value, radix);

Number parseInt() Method Parameters

Number parseInt() Method Return value

It returns a number and if the first character can’t be converted to a number then the function returns NaN. It returns a number parsed up to that point where it encounters a character that is not a number in the specified radix(base). 

Number parseInt() Method Examples

Example 1: Parsing float value

Here, we are using the parseInt() method to parse the given float value.

let v1 = parseInt("3.14");
console.log('Using parseInt("3.14") = '+ v1);


Using parseInt("3.14") = 3


Example 2: Parsing value with given radix

Here, we will also mention radix with the number.

// Base 10
a = parseInt("100", 10);
console.log('parseInt("100",10) = ' +
// Base 8
b = parseInt("8", 8);
console.log('parseInt("8",8) = ' +
// Base 8
c = parseInt("15", 8);
console.log('parseInt("15",8) = ' +
// Base 16
d = parseInt("16", 16);
console.log('parseInt("16",16) = ' +
// Leading and trailing spaces are ignored
// in parseInt() function
e = parseInt(" 100 ");
console.log('parseInt(" 100 ") = ' +
// Base 16(hexadecimal)
f = parseInt("0x16");
console.log('parseInt("0x16") = ' +

parseInt("100",10) = 100
parseInt("8",8) = NaN
parseInt("15",8) = 13
parseInt("16",16) = 22
parseInt(" 100 ") = 100
parseInt("0x16") = 22


The code demonstrates the parseInt() method with different radix values and string formats:

We have a complete list of JavaScript Number constructor, properties, and methods list, to know more about the numbers please go through that article.

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