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JavaScript Number isInteger() Method

The JavaScript Number isInteger() method checks if a value is an integer, returning true if it is, otherwise false.

Number isInteger() Syntax


Return Value

It returns a boolean value,i.e. either true or false. It will return true if the passed value is of the type Number and an integer, it returns false. 

Number isInteger() Example

This example checks for some values if they are integers or not using the Number.isInteger() method in JavaScript.





The code uses Number.isInteger() to check if the given values (-2, 0, 2) are integers. It logs `true` for each value because they are all integers.

Number isInteger() Example

Here, a negative number is passed as an argument.




This code logs `false` because `-2.56` is not an integer. `Number.isInteger()` returns `false` for non-integer numeric values.

Number isInteger() Example

Here, a string is passed as an argument.

console.log("Output : " + Number.isInteger("hi"));

Output : false


This code logs "Output : false" because "hi" is not a number and Number.isInteger() returns false for non-numeric values.

JavaScript Number isInteger() Method UseCase

1. How to compare isNaN() and isInteger() Methods in JavaScript ?

`isNaN()` checks if a value is not a number, while `isInteger()` checks if a value is an integer. They serve different purposes: `isNaN()` for general numeric checks and `isInteger()` for specifically checking integers.

2. How to Check if a Value is a Number in JavaScript ?

To check if a value is a number in JavaScript using the isInteger method, you can use Number.isInteger(value), returning true if it’s an integer, false otherwise.

3. JavaScript Program to Check if a Number is Float or Integer

In JavaScript, you can check if a number is a float or an integer using the Number.isInteger() method, which returns true for integers and false for floats.

We have a complete list of Javascript Number Methods, to check those please go through the Javascript Number Complete Reference article.

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