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ISRO | ISRO CS 2017 | Question 20

Match the following and choose the correct answer for the order A, B, C, D

A. Strassen matrix multiplication p. Decrease and Conquer
B. Insertion sort q. Dynamic Programming
C. Guassian Elimination r. Divide and Conquer
D. Floyd shortest path algorithm s. Transform and Conquer

(A) r, s, p, q
(B) r, p, s, q
(C) q, s, p, r
(D) s, p, q, r

Answer: (B)
Explanation: Strassen matrix multiplication uses Divide and Conquer technique to reduce the complexity of matrix multiplication. For details refer: Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication

Insertion sort uses decrease and conquer approach as its loop invariant condition is at each step, A[1..j-1] contains the first j-1 elements in sorted order. Refer Decrease and Conquer

Gaussian elimination uses transform and conquer approach to solve set of equations. Refer Gaussian Elimination to Solve Linear Equations

Floyd Warshall shortest path algorithm is an all-pair shortest path algorithm which uses Dynamic Programming to compute the result. Refer Floyd Warshall Algorithm
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