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IPv6 and DNSSEC: Their Slow adaptation

In this article, we will discuss the overview of IPv6 and DNSSEC and will discuss the reason in detail with all these benefits why is IPv6 deployment is slow. Let’s discuss it one by one.

Pre-requisite –
Internet Protocol version6  And IPv4 vs IPv6

Overview :
Internet isn’t as simple as it looks, It’s a merger of many protocol stacks. Many of these have gotten into many changes and gotten themselves better but why is their adaptation in the real world is not that great. In this article, we will discuss why two of the important functions of the internet being adapted slowly, the IPv6 and DNSSEC.

IPv6 Protocol :
IPv6 is latest version of Internet Protocol(IP) where IPv4 being its predecessor. IPv6 somewhat looks like 64:ff9b::22da:3e74 whereas IPv4 looks like The main reason for creation of IPv6 is exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, IPv4 has around 4 billion and IPv6 being 3.4×1038 addresses. IPv6 also has other different benefits like IPsec being built-in, multi-casting, stateless address auto-configuration, shorter IP header fields, and more.  You can learn more from below links.

With all these benefits why is IPv6 deployment is slow :

The original design of the internet (or) DNS didn’t have any security features a bit as internet grew and became a crucial part of our life there is a need for security. To make DNS queries secure from DNS spoofing and cache poisoning the DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is a suite of extension specifications by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) promoted by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN) for securing data exchanged in Domain Name Server and the requesting device by using cryptographic authentication of data, no availability or confidentiality, and it has authenticated denial of existence, and data integrity. You can learn more from DNSSEC, DNS Spoofing, and DNS Cache Poisoning.

Why isn’t DNSSEC is used by everyone :

Example :
You can check whether a domain is DNSSEC signed by performing a whois lookup as follows. is not utilizing DNSSEC

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