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Introduction to ES6

ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 is the 6th version of the ECMAScript programming language. ECMAScript is the standardization of Javascript which was released in 2015 and subsequently renamed as ECMAScript 2015.
ECMAScript and Javascript are both different.

ECMAScript vs Javascript

ECMAScript: It is the specification defined in ECMA-262 for creating a general-purpose scripting language. In simple terms, it is a standardization for creating a scripting language. It was introduced by ECMA International and is an implementation with which we learn how to create a scripting language. 

Javascript: A general-purpose scripting language that confirms the ECMAScript specification. It is an implementation that tells us how to use a scripting language.


Javascript ES6 has been around for a few years now, and it allows us to write code in a clever way which basically makes the code more modern and more readable. It’s fair to say that with the use of ES6 features we write less and do more, hence the term ‘write less, do more’ definitely suits ES6. 

ES6 introduced several key features like const, let, arrow functions, template literals, default parameters, and a lot more. Let’s take a look at them one by one.


The const keyword is used to declare constant variables whose values can’t be changed. It is an immutable variable except when used with objects.

Example: The below example will explain you the use of const keyword in different situations.

// Const
const name = 'Mukul';
// Will print 'Mukul' to the console.
// Trying to reassign a const variable
name = 'Rahul';
// Will give TypeError.
// Trying to declare const variable first
// and then initialise in another line
const org_name;
org_name = "GeeksforGeeks";
// Throws an syntax error: missing initializer in const declaration


The let variables are mutable i.e. their values can be changed. It works similar to the var keyword with some key differences like scoping which makes it a better option when compared to var.

Example: This example will illustrate how to declare varibale using the let keyword.

// let
let name = 'Mukul';
// Prints Mukul
name = 'Rahul';
// Prints Rahul
// Trying to declare let variable first and then initialise in another line
let org_name;
org_name = "GeeksforGeeks";
// Prints GeeksforGeeks


Arrow functions

Arrow functions are a more concise syntax for writing function expressions. These function expressions make your code more readable, and more modern. 

Example: The below example will show you how the arrow functions can be created and implemented.

// Function declaration using function keyword
function simpleFunc(){
    console.log("Declared using the function keyword");
// Function declared using arrow functions
const arrowFunc = () => {
    console.log("Declared using the arrow functions");

Declared using the function keyword
Declared using the arrow functions

Template literal

It allows us to use the JavaScript variables with the string without using the ‘+’ operator. Template literal defined using (“) quotes.

Example: This example will explain the practical use of template literals.

// Without Template Literal
var name = 'GeeksforGeeks';
console.log('Printed without using Template Literal');
console.log('My name is '+ name);
// With Template Literal
const name1 = 'GeeksforGeeks';
console.log('Printed by using Template Literal');
console.log(`My name is ${name1}`);

Printed without using Template Literal
My name is GeeksforGeeks
Printed by using Template Literal
My name is GeeksforGeeks

Object and Array Desctructuring

Destructing in javascript basically means the breaking down of a complex structure(Objects or arrays) into simpler parts. With the destructing assignment, we can ‘unpack’ array objects into a bunch of variables.

Example: The below example will explain how the destructuring can be done in ES6.

// Object Destructuring
const college = {
    name : 'DTU',
    est : '1941',
    isPvt : false
let {name, est, isPvt} = college;
console.log(name, est, isPvt);
// Array Destructuring
const arr = ['lionel', 'messi', 'barcelona'];
let[value1,value2,value3] = arr;
console.log(value1, value2, value3);

DTU 1941 false
lionel messi barcelona

Default Parameters

In ES6, we can declare a function with a default parameter with a default value.

Example: This example will show how to define default paramters for a function.

function fun(a, b=1){
    return a + b;



ES6 introduced classes in JavaScript. Classes in javascript can be used to create new Objects with the help of a constructor, each class can only have one constructor inside it. 

Example: The below example will show how to create classes in ES6.

// classes in ES6
class Vehicle{
    constructor(name,engine){ = name;
        this.engine = engine;
const bike1 = new Vehicle('Ninja ZX-10R','998cc');
const bike2 = new Vehicle('Duke','390cc');
console.log(; // Ninja ZX-10R
console.log(; // Duke

Ninja ZX-10R

Rest parameter and spread operator

Rest Parameter: It is used to represent a number of parameter in an array to pass them together to a function.

Example: This example will illustrate the practical use of the Rest paramter.

// ES6 rest parameter
function fun(...input){
    let sum = 0;
    for(let i of input){
        sum += i;
    return sum;
console.log(fun(1,2)); // 3
console.log(fun(1,2,3)); // 6
console.log(fun(1,2,3,4,5)); // 15


Spread Operator: It simply changes an array of n elements into a list of n different elements.

Example: The below example will explain the practical implementation of the Spread Operator.

// Spread operator
let arr = [1,2,3,-1];
console.log(Math.max(...arr)); // -1

1 2 3 -1

for/of Loop

The for/of loop allows you to iterate through the iterable items but in a short syntax as compared to other loops.

Example: The for/of loop is implemented in the below code example with an array.

const myArr = [5, 55, 33, 9, 6]
for(let element of myArr){


JavaScript Maps and Sets

Map: The maps in JavaScript are used to store multiple items in the form of key-value pairs. The keys of a map can be of any datatype.

Set: A set consist of only unique value, a value can be stored only once in a set. It can store any value of any datatype.

Example: The below example will explain the use of both the JavaScript Map and Set practically.

// Maps in JavaScript
const myMap = new Map([
    ["stringKey", 23],
    [48, "numberedKey"]
myMap.set(false, 0);
myMap.set(1, true);
    myMap.get(48), myMap.get(false),
// Sets in JavaScript
const mySet =
    new Set(["string value", "string value"]);

23 numberedKey 0 true
Set(3) { 'string value', 24, 3 }


JavaScript promises are used to perform the asynchronous tasks, that takes some time to get executed. It combines the synchronous and asynchronous code together.

Example: The below example will show how you can create and implement a promise in JavaScript.

const JSpromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        resolve("Promise is Working")
    }, 2000);
JSpromise.then((value) => {console.log(value)});

Promise is Working


Symbol is a type of primitive data type intriduced in ES6. It is used to specify the hidden identifiers that can not be directly accessed by any other code.

Example: The use of the Symbol data type is explained in the below code example.

const gfg = {
    name: "GeeksforGeeks",
    desc: "A Computer Science portal for all geeks."
let short_name = Symbol("short_name")
gfg.short_name = "GFG";
console.log(`${}, \n${gfg.desc}`);
console.log(`Company's Short Name using gfg.short_name: ${gfg.short_name} `)
console.log(`Company's Short Name using gfg[short_name]: ${gfg[short_name]} `)

A Computer Science portal for all geeks.
Company's Short Name using gfg.short_name: GFG 
Company's Short Name using gfg[short_name]: undefined 

String Methods

Example: The below code example will illustrate the use of all the string methods introduced in ES6.

// String startsWith()
const useStart = "This string implements the startsWith() method.";
console.log(useStart.startsWith("This string"),
useStart.startsWith("This is"));
// String endsWith()
const useEnd = "This string implements the endsWith() method.";
console.log(useEnd.endsWith("clear() method."),
// String includes()
const useIncludes = "This string implements the includes() method.";
useIncludes.includes("My name"));

true false
false true
true false

Array Methods

Example: The below code example implements all array methods introduced in ES6.

// Array.from() method
const newArr = Array.from("GeekdforGeeks");
console.log("Implementing Array.from(): ", newArr)
// Array.keys() method
const milkProducts = ["Curd", "Cheese", "Butter", "Ice-Cream"];
const arrayKeys = milkProducts.keys();
console.log("Implementing Array.keys(): ")
for(let key of arrayKeys){
// Array.find() method
const findArray = ["clock", "strong", "planet", "earth"];
const lessThanSix = (item) => {
    return item.trim.length < 6;
console.log("Implementing Array.find(): ",
console.log("Implementing Array.findIndex(): ",

Implementing Array.from():  [
  'G', 'e', 'e', 'k',
  'd', 'f', 'o', 'r',
  'G', 'e', 'e', 'k',
Implementing Array.keys(): 
Implementing Array.find():  clock
Implementing Array.findInd...

Object Enteries

Object.entries() method is used to convert a single valued array into an array object with a key-value pair as array items.

Example: The below example implements the object.entries() method practically.

const myArr =
    ["GeeksforGeeks", "A Computer Science Portal for all geeks"];
const arr = myArr.entries()
for(let item of arr){

[ 0, 'GeeksforGeeks' ]
[ 1, 'A Computer Science Portal for all geeks' ]

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