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Introduction To AWS Glue ETL

The Extract, Transform, Load(ETL) process has been designed specifically for the purpose of transferring data from its source database to the data warehouse. However, the challenges and complexities of ETL can make it hard to implement them successfully for all our enterprise data. For this reason, Amazon has introduced AWS Glue.

AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL(Extract, Transform, and Load) service that makes it simple and cost-effective to categorize our data, clean it, enrich it, and move it reliably between various data stores. It consists of a central metadata repository known as the AWS Glue data catalog an ETL engine that automatically generates Python code and a flexible scheduler that handles dependency resolution job monitoring. AWS Glue is serverless which means that there is no infrastructure to set or manage a setup.  

AWS Glue

AWS Glue is used to prepare data from different sources and prepare that data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. It will reduce the manual effort by performing the automation of the jobs like data integration, data transformation, and data loading. AWS glue is a serverless data integration service which makes it more useful for the preparation of the data also the data that has been prepared will be maintained centrally in a catalog which makes it easy to find and understand the data.

How To Use AWS Glue ETL

Follow the steps mentioned below to use AWS Glue ETL

1. Create and Attach An IAM Role for Your ETL Job

Identity and Access Management (IAM) manages Amazon Web Services (AWS) users and their access to AWS accounts and services. It controls the level of access a user can have over an AWS account & sets users, grants permission, and allows a user to use different features of an AWS account.

2. Create a crawler

AWS Glue’s main job was to create a data catalog from the data it had collected from the different data sources. Crawler is the best program used to discover the data automatically and it will index the data source which can be further used by the AWS Glue.

3. Create a job

Create a job in AWS Glue to create a job follow the steps mentioned below.

4. Run your job

5. Monitor your job

Best Practices For AWS Glue ETL

Following are the some of the best practices that you can follow while implementing the AWS Glue ETL.

Case studies of AWS Glue ETL

Follwing are the some of the organization that are using the AWS glue ETL. To Know How to create AWS Account refer to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Free Tier Account Set up.

Future of AWS Glue ETL

AWS Glue Architecture

We define jobs in AWS Glue to accomplish the work that is required to extract, transform and load data from a data source to a data target. So if we talk about the workflow, the first step here is we define a crawler to populate our AWS data catalog with metadata and table definitions. We point our crawler at a data source post and the crawler creates table definitions in the data catalog. In addition to table definitions, the data catalog contains other metadata that is required to define ETL jobs. we use this metadata when we define a job to transform our data in the second step. AWS Glue can generate a script to transform our data or we can also provide the script in the AWS Glue console. In the third step, we can run our job on demand or we can set it up to start when a specified trigger occurs. The trigger can be a time-based schedule or an event. Finally, when our job runs, a script extracts data from our data source, transforms the data, and loads it into our target. The script runs in an Apache Spark environment in AWS Glue.

Use Cases of AWS Glue

Benifits of AWS Glue

Disadvantages of AWS Glue

FAQs On AWS Glue

1. AWS Data Catalog

A centralised metadata repository that houses information about your data from multiple data sources is the AWS Glue Data Catalogue. It offers a single interface for finding, comprehending, and managing your data assets. This catalogue is used by an AWS Glue ETL job during execution to comprehend data properties and guarantee proper transformation.

2. AWS DataBrew

AWS Glue data brew is an visual data preparation service with which we can get the clean data which can be used for the data analytics and machine learning purpose. You can also create and manage the data preparation workflows with the help of visual development of AWS glue databrew.

3. AWS Glue Studio

AWS Glue studio will helps you to visualize the data integration service that is ETL (extract,transform,load) with out writing the code you can just manage by using the drag and drop option.

4. AWS Glue Dynamic Frame

Working with big datasets in AWS Glue is made flexible and effective with the help of AWS Glue Dynamic Frame, a data representation tool.

5. AWS Glue Connectors

You can connect AWS Glue ETL jobs to a variety of data sources and destinations by using the pre-built connectors known as AWS Glue Connectors. These connectors offer a standardised method of interacting with various data sources and formats, making the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data easier.

6. AWS Glue API

You can automate and manage a number of AWS Glue features through the API, such as job execution, data catalogues, crawlers, and more.

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