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International Anti-Corruption Day

International Anti-Corruption Day is annually commemorated on the 9th of December with an objective to spread awareness against corruption and associated activities.

According to the definition given by the United Nations (UN), corruption is a criminal action that undermines the social and economical development of the state. Corruption is a common crime phenomenon throughout the world in the political, social, or economic spheres. The activities associated with it decline in economic development, and Corruption in democracy leads to unstable governance in the state. Corruption, fraud, or bribery are mostly conducted by those who are in some kind of influential position or power.

Corruption creates massive reputational and brand risks and leads to losses in revenue. And, as the governments cannot counter corruption all on their own, businesses must be proactive partners. In order to do so, companies need to empower their employees to speak up and report corrupt practices, educate and train business partners along the value chain

The day is focused to raise awareness about corruption and the ways to combat it. It highlights the role of every part of society whether it be individuals, media, etc in tackling the issue of corruption.

How is International Anti-Corruption Day Celebrated?

The International Anti-Corruption Day is globally organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the association of their regional partners in course of combating corruption across borders and also to promote and encourage the exchange of information.

The celebrations are normally attained by notable personalities like politicians, writers, famous journalists, and influential personalities of private organizations.

In 2021, the day was observed by a six-week campaign that started in the first week of November. The campaign broadly highlighted the role played by stakeholders and individuals to counter corruption. Each week of the campaign was focused on different topics such as education and youth, sports, gender, the private sector, COVID 19 pandemic, and International cooperation respectively.

Corruption has been a global phenomenon that no country is immune to. As per reports, the global cost of corruption is about 5 percent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product.

What is the Background of International Anti-Corruption Day?

The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) was passed by the United Nations in December 2003. The convention was drafted on the 31st of October 2003 and it came into effect in 2005. It is considered the very first initiative by United Nations to fight against corruption. The treaty was signed by the members of UN states on 9th December.

It is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument with a majority of countries being party to the Convention.

The major points that were covered in this convention were:

Another is the Conference of the State Parties (COSP) is the main policy-making body of the convention. it supports parties and signatories in the implementation of the Convention. It gives policy guidance to develop and implement anti-corruption activities.

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