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InfoEdge Interview Experience (

Round 1: 


1. Projects 
2. find pair with maximum product in an array(-ive numbers can be there) 
3. find an element in rotated array (in logn) 
3. comparator, comparable? 
4. Indexing 
5. About Current project working on 

Round 2: 

1. Given a infinite linked list and a pointer to a node delete that node. 
2. left, right view of a tree 
3. find maximum length of substring having consecutive elements. 
4. print string in reverse order. 
ex: input : He is a boy 
output: boy a is he 

5. SQL queries using join 
6. indexing and hashing 
7. About Current project working on 

Round 3: 

1. print pattern in minimum loops 

1 2 1 
1 2 3 2 1 
1 2 3 4 3 2 1 
1 2 3 4 3 2 1 
1 2 3 2 1 
1 2 1 

2. why you want to leave company 

Round 4: 

HR round 
basic behavioral questions

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