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IMO Full Form

IMO stands for International Maritime Organization. It is an agency started in the US for making rules and regulations for shipping, ensuring the security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution caused by ships. IMO came into existence first in 1959. It currently has 175 states as members and 3 associate members. Its headquarters are in London, United Kingdom. Its main purpose is to develop regulations and framework for shipping in order to maintain good efficiency in shipping, safety and security of maritime and fix environmental concerns. It is controlled by an assembly of members who meet after period of every 2 years. 40 Members are selected from this assembly for the administration of this organization.

History of International Maritime Organization

Structure  and Working of IMO (International Maritime Organization)

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is structured in a hierarchical manner, with various organs and bodies responsible for different functions. The main components of the IMO’s structure include:

Advantages of IMO (International Maritime Organization)

The international maritime organization have various advantages some of them are:-

How IMO impacts India

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) impacts India in several ways, as India is an important maritime nation with a large coastline and a significant shipping industry. Here are some of the following ways in which the IMO impacts India-

In conclusion we can say that the IMO plays an important role in shaping the maritime industry in India and can help to improve its safety, security, and environmental standards. As part of the United Nations family, IMO is actively working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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