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IIM Calcutta Admission Experience

5th March 2023, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi:

99.72 percentile in CAT | GEM Profile | B.Tech in CSE | Work ex of 16 months [considered till January 31st, 2023] | 3 months at Infosys and currently on GeeksforGeeks as MTS (technical content, DSA) | 10th/12th/Grad – 93.42/91.0/83.4

Time: Reporting time was 8 am, I went at 7:15 am. Got out of the interview around 1:10 pm

WAT Topic: Young people migrate from home for better opportunities. Is it justified? (300 words, within 25 min)

Interview: There were 3 panels (D-4, D-5, and D-6). I was the 8th person of D-5 [10 persons in each panel, in my panel 10th person was absent]. There were 3 panelists – two females (F1, F2 both seemed to be in their late 20s or early 30s) and one male (M seemed to be in his 30s). The interview was around 20 min.

I thanked them and left. It was a poor interview in my opinion. During the interview I started thinking, I won’t be selected.

Verdict: Rejected.

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