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IIM Bangalore Admission Experience

4th March 2023, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi:

99.72 percentile in CAT | GEM Profile | B.Tech in CSE | Work ex of 18 months [considered till date] | 3 months at Infosys and currently working on GeeksforGeeks as MTS (technical content, DSA) | 10th/12th/Grad – 93.42/91.0/83.4

Time: Reporting time was 1.00 pm (I got out around 3 pm)

WAT Topic: Will Automation create real employment? [It was held online on 24th February at 12pm]

Interview: I was the 6th member of my panel (Panel 3, total 3 panels). There were 2 male interviewers (M1 in his late 30s and M2 in his 40s) and 1 female member (say F seemed to be in her 40s). The 3rd member of my panel was absent. The interview was around 15 min (Though all others were having 20-25 min of the interview before me).

Here I would share a little incident. When it was time for the 4th member of my panel, the female interviewer by mistake called me instead of the correct person. When I went M1 and M2 were already discussing that with her. They told me that it happened by mistake and told me to wait outside and called the original member.

Me: Said that I play cricket if I get time or solve sudokus and play mobile games also.

They looked at each other and nodded that they want to end the interview

F: So, do you have any questions for us?

Me: Asked about the Alumni and student relationship and she answered.

After that, the interview ended.

Verdict: Rejected.

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