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IAS Interview Experience

Civil service exam is one of the most sought-after exams. It helps to bring the best people which serve the country at different levels. Life of IAS is filled with challenges but it also provides an opportunity to make a difference in the life of people.

While giving an interview, keep in mind that first and foremost don’t pretend and be yourself. If the question is tricky, reply politely that you are not aware of the answer. Make sure, whatever you say, say it confidently. And the most important thing for the interview is to remain calm throughout interview.

My interview was scheduled for 22 Jan 2022. We were told we will be interviewed by the Satyavathi Madam board. The interview began at around 2.30 PM and went on for 25 minutes. Questions were asked from a diverse set of topics. Here is the list of some questions that were asked by the panelist.

Name: Prabhat Ranjan, Age: 29

Optional: PSIR(Political Science and International Relations)

Medium: English, Board: Satyavathi Madam board.

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